What is worth viewing in Valletta? The most interesting places.


Malta's Solitz, Valletta, of course, a very beautiful city. Beautiful and majestic. City of stairs, city with luxurious views. In Vallette, plenty of architectural monuments. It can be said that the city itself is a whole monument, and every building in the city is in itself remarkable. Many homes in the city for several centuries. Some of them restored after hostilities of the Second World War, but still, very beautiful. Valletta can be called a pedestrian city, there are almost no cars here. But the nightlife in Vallette can be said rather peaceful. It almost does not exist. So, all saukely a day around the city and admire. This is how to admire, by the way:

Cathedral (St. John's Co-Cathedral)

What is worth viewing in Valletta? The most interesting places. 58306_1

What is worth viewing in Valletta? The most interesting places. 58306_2

The cathedral was built in this place in the third quarter of the 16th century, in honor of the patron saint of the knights of the Order of John, St. John the Baptist. The building is undoubtedly beautiful and majestic. From afar, his facade is visible with a balcony, which relies on the Corinthian columns - it was from this balcony who once masters of the Order were read by proclamation. Over the facade you can see the square towers, however, the spiers from their tops were raised into the second world. Inside the Cathedral is great: Barrelfins in the shape of a grape vine, a baroque ceiling with paintings, the floor, composed of 365 tombstones from a multicolored marble - in the cathedral buried the knights of the Order. And also in this museum a picture of Caravaggio "Condition of the head of John the Baptist" is stored. Cathedral -Vusive card city.

Archaeological Museum (Museum of Archaeology)

What is worth viewing in Valletta? The most interesting places. 58306_3

What is worth viewing in Valletta? The most interesting places. 58306_4

This museum is located in the building of the Provencal Foreign Minister, where the knights came from Provence once lived. The building is old, it was built at the end of the 16th century. This building you will definitely not pass - it is decorated with doric and ionic columns at the entrance. The museum collections can be called rich. Especially interesting - the statues of the era of Neolithic - Venus Maltese and "Sleeping Woman". No less interesting vintage silicon guns, human skulls, necklaces, vases, funeral urns and much more. In the early 2000s, another hall was opened here, which is dedicated to the exhibits of the Bronze Age, ancient, Arab and medieval period. Located this museum 120 meters from the Cathedral.

Sacra Infermeria

What is worth viewing in Valletta? The most interesting places. 58306_5

In this hospital, not only knights-John, but also poor, and homeless people were treated. The hospital building was erected in the 16th century. By the way, there was the longest worldwide Hospital Chamber - as much as 161 meters long! Well, imagine?

What is worth viewing in Valletta? The most interesting places. 58306_6

However, at the next time there was a stable stable. Since the 80s, the hospital has a conference room and "Malta" - a multimedia attraction that tells guests about the history of Malta from the times of Neolith to this day. This building is located 500 meters from the cathedral.

Manoel Theater (Manoel Theater)

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What is worth viewing in Valletta? The most interesting places. 58306_8

What is worth viewing in Valletta? The most interesting places. 58306_9

The theater was built in 1731, in the era of the rule of Maineel de Vilchhen. The theater was intended that the knights resort after righteous work and culturally developed. In the middle of the 19th century, the theater was sold to a private person who took care that the Royal Opera House was opened here. Unfortunately, the theater was very victim during the Second World War, but he was restored in the 60s. This theater is famous, first of all, with its most unique acoustic properties, because the theater is known for the whole world. It is also interesting to admire the collections of theatrical costumes, portraits and parts of the scenery, which ever used to produce in this theater. From the cathedral to the theater is 300 meters.

Palace of the Grand Master (Grand Master's Palace)

What is worth viewing in Valletta? The most interesting places. 58306_10

What is worth viewing in Valletta? The most interesting places. 58306_11

The palace is impressive, first of all, with its sizes. Built it in the third quarter of the 16th century. Today, the Office of the President of Malta and the Maltese government is located. Also in the Palace there is a weapon chamber, where about 6,000 exhibits are stored - different daggers, pistols, guns, armor of knights and much more. Very interesting! Here you can also see the figures of the knights in full growth and in full service. The entire palace just pisses luxury and beauty. Portraits of kings and queens and masters of the Order are hanging on the walls, as well as paintings with scenes from the history of the country's Order of the country. Impressive floors with an inlated image of the arms and the tapestries of 16-17 centuries with vegetable drawings in the meeting room. In general, the building is simply incredible and rich. From the cathedral to the palace less than 200 meters.

Cathedral of Our Lady of Victories (Our Lady Of Victories Church)

What is worth viewing in Valletta? The most interesting places. 58306_12

What is worth viewing in Valletta? The most interesting places. 58306_13

The cathedral was laid in honor of the victory of the Knights of Malta in the Great Siege of 1565. And the first stone laid the Great Master. Moreover, under the stone put specially minted in honor of the important event with silver and bronze medals and parchment with text for descendants, with the date (March 8, 1566). Here is such an old cathedral. True, in the 18th century the temple was rebuilt and he began to look like a traditional baroque cathedral. A little later, a bell tower was attached to the cat. There is this cathedral in two steps away from the Archaeological Museum.

Fort Holy Elma - National Military Museum (Fort St. ELMO - National War Museum)

What is worth viewing in Valletta? The most interesting places. 58306_14

What is worth viewing in Valletta? The most interesting places. 58306_15

Fort is located on the edge of Cape Valletta. In 1565, the Fort from all was fired by Turkish troops, so that the fortress was significantly injured then. After that attack, the fort had to build anew. And once again the fort was spoiled during the Second World War. Today, the Fort is the National Military Museum. It stores German torpedoes, boats, Italian and German anti-tank guns, 20th century uniforms, gas masks, Cross of King George, who was donated by Malta in 1942. Fort is close to the sacred hospital. Well, or she is not far from him.

Museum of Fine Arts (National Museum of Fine Arts)

What is worth viewing in Valletta? The most interesting places. 58306_16

What is worth viewing in Valletta? The most interesting places. 58306_17

The museum is located in a beautiful building in the Baroque style of the 15th century, in the Admiralty. For many years, the residence of the Commander-in-Chief of the British Fleet was located in this building. The museum is quite interesting. There are pictures of sufficiently famous Italian, French and English artists who lived and worked at different times. A collection of memorable items of the Maltese Order, for example, portraits of his leaders, dishes and table silver are very interesting. Located this museum 200 meters from the Archaeological Museum.

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