Shopping in Malta. The best cities for shopping. What can I buy in Malta?


Malta is a great place for fashionista, here you can buy a lot of beautiful things, ranging from clothes and ending with jewelry. Prices compared to European somewhere below, and somewhere above. However, no one will leave Malta without shopping, because in the stores a huge selection of goods of any size and on any wallet.

Where can one buy.

Valletta. - Great place for shopaholic, this is the capital of Malta. Lovers of all kinds of antiquity here Paradise, early in the morning on Sunday, the market has a major gate of the city, where they sell various rare things: postcards, dolls, lace, figurines, dishes and much more. In this place, you can all anything, the main thing to get up early because you want enough.

One of the main streets for Shopogolikov - Street of the Republic. There is a huge number of clothing stores, designer glasses, jewelry, hats. The most famous shopping center The Savoy.

Please note that Malta is selling very good medical cosmetics, you can buy it in any beauty salon, usually employees offer free to test it for you. Do not refuse, the product quality is really very good.

Sliema - The place for those who are interested in well-known brands at the lowest prices. There are often all sorts of sales of past collections. All stores and shopping centers are located on the embankment and on the two streets of Tori and Bizatsz. You can buy in Slim by anything, and what product do not take, it will be different colors and sizes. Only the fact that the money ended can be stopped.

That ali - The place is much better to go for souvenirs for yourself and loved ones. It is here that products from Maltese glass sell.

Shopping in Malta. The best cities for shopping. What can I buy in Malta? 58258_1

Souvenirs from Maltese glass.

Never consider the Gozo Island as a shopping, here prices are several times higher than in Malta.

What to buy in Malta.

1. Products from Maltese glass.

2. Clothes of all sorts of marks.

3. Wine - in Malta, such grape varieties are grown as: Cabernet, Chardonnay, Moskato. Be sure to purchase a bottle, it is best to pay attention to manufacturers: Marsh and Delicate.

4. Non-alcoholic drink with flavoring orange and spicy herbs - Kinni, produce it only here, so be sure to try, and if you like to capture as a souvenir.

5. Local olive oil - it cannot be compared with the usual Spanish taste, Maltese oil is more sweet and pleasant.

6. Filigine jewelry.

7. Maltese lace - It is sold in the form of napkins, tablecloths, bolero, all kinds of capes and so on. If you want to bring a gift to your grandmother, be sure to acquire, it will be delighted.

Shopping in Malta. The best cities for shopping. What can I buy in Malta? 58258_2

Maltese lace.

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