The most interesting excursions in Malta? What should I see?


If you are resting not in Valletta, the most popular excursion from other cities of Malta is just Excursion to Valletta . More precisely in the historic center of the city. Actually the capital of Malta and the excursion is devoted. The bus brings directly to the fortress gate. The first thing you see is a triton fountain. Hence the guide begins an interesting pedestrian walk through the old streets of Valletta, gradually approaching the top gardens of the barrack, from where in all its glory your gamble is a big harbor.

The most interesting excursions in Malta? What should I see? 58257_1

On the main street, you will see the Palace of the Grand Master. Inside you will not be headed, because there is currently a residence of President Malta, and the Malta Parliament meetings are held. Further, the excursion is provided for visiting the Cathedral of St. John. This temple without exaggeration is one of Malta's greatest historical doors. Externally, the St. John's Cathedral is not very noteworthy, but inside it is a very unusual and amazing place. The entire floor is a lot of burial slabs of knights-John.

The most interesting excursions in Malta? What should I see? 58257_2

The interior of the cathedral is very richly decorated: a lot of stucco, mural, mosaic, gilding, etc. Also in the Cathedral of St. John are kept the canvas of the Great Caravaggio. They can be seen. After that, you will visit the weapon chamber and several museums. During the pedestrian walk, you will be shown (though, only outside) Abergie - the very indispensable dwellings of the Knights of the Maltese Order.

The most interesting excursions in Malta? What should I see? 58257_3

By the way, this Order still exists, but their main office is in Rome.

The cost of a 4-hour excursion is about 30 euros.

Very interesting Excursion to Mdina and the Village of Masters.

Mdina is an ancient (first) capital of Malta, which was built in the bronze age at the place of the first settlements. It is from it that the excursion begins, or rather from inspection of fortress bastions. From here, on top, there is a magnificent view of the entire island of Malta. The guide will hold you along the narrow streets of the ancient city, it is here that you can enjoy the real silence. Next, you inspect (and come inside) Cathedral of St. Paul. This cathedral is the most prestigious, if you can say so, in Malta to make marriages. Just imagine the turn to the wedding "stretched" for 2-3 years!

After Mdina, you will be lucky in the village of Masters called Ta 'Ali. Here, right on your eyes, the best masters of Malta make artwork from glass, gold, silver and clay. Immediately, with workshops, if you wish, you can get these products. The range is very diverse, but also the prices are not small (when buying several souvenirs, you can count on a small discount).

The cost of a 4-hour excursion is about 30 euros.

I recommend to go here not with an excursion, but take a car and go on your own. There will be more time to inspect everything. The road to find is easy - there are pointers there.

Three cities and blue grotto.

I myself was not, but I realized that this is a bus tour, during which you will be transported through the three ancient cities of Cospicua, Senglea, Vittoriosa. They have repeatedly withstood the siege of enemies. In the city of Vittoriosa, many old buildings have been well preserved, which now remind us of the times of Maltese knights. Including the first church, built by the decree of the Maltese Order.

The most interesting excursions in Malta? What should I see? 58257_4

Cities as if smoothly flow from one to another, there are no clear boundaries. In the city of Senglea, on the Cape itself, there is a famous hexagonal tower " Il Guardiola ", Where you can see the eye, ear and poultry. These symbols are reminded that the displacement of the sea in Malta is always non-satizer. From here you can enjoy a magnificent view of the Great Harbor and Valletta.

After that, the bus will take you to an unusually picturesque place - the blue grotto. Grotto is famous for the special transparency of water. In sunny weather, you can see how the color of the water "plays" and overflows, because there are many corals. White shallow sand, numerous grots and rocks. Indescribable beauty. I just recommend watching this beauty directly, that is not Through the lens of the photo or camcorder. Although it does not work ... if the weather allows and there is no strong waves, you can ride a boating (4-5 euros, it is not included in the cost of the excursion).

The cost of the excursion is about 25 euros.

Hera Valletta. . Cruise on a sailboat for a whole day.

It is a fascinating sea cruise around Malta and Comino Islands. During the cruise, you can explore the coastline and see all Malta and its attractions from the sea. You will be given a stay for rest in one of the most beautiful places in the Maltese Archipelago - in the Blue Laguna (Comino Island). Throughout (approximately), three hours you can swim and swim in transparent turquoise water. Right on board the sailboat will be provided with a full-fledged three-hand meal (included in the price).

The cost of the excursion is about 60 euros.

Gozo Island..

Gozo Island - the second largest island of Malta. It is distinguished by an abundance of greenery compared to O. Malta, rare calm, peace and slow life. The island meets you with its picturesque villages and beautiful churches. It is believed that it was on the island of Gozo in a cave spent 7 years of life legendary Odyssey, held by Charas Nymph Callipso. The cave will be shown to you, but to understand how there it was possible to spend so many years of life, it is impossible. I would not for any iris ...

The island will be delivered to the ferry, where it will be possible to buy soft drinks (time on the way - 20-25 minutes). On the Gozo you will first take away the bay of the Dveir, the place of real miracles of nature. You will be shown the island of Fungus, the inner sea and the "Azure Window". You can order a boat walk (not included in the price of the excursion), during which you will see a crocodile rock, a rock, and again "Azure Window". They say that in very quiet weather, the boat is carried out right under this unusual rock.

The most interesting excursions in Malta? What should I see? 58257_5

In Victoria, the capital of the island of Gozo, you are waiting for dinner in one of the restaurants of the old fortress of the Citadel (enters the cost of the excursion). It is noteworthy that Victoria residents call their city Rabat. After lunch gives a little free time to climb on Citadel And wander there. By the way, with the fortress walls are visible completely the entire exa of the Gozo.

Then they will be taken to the unique Church of Ta Pina, which until today is the place of pilgrimage. This is due to the fact that the church is famous for its healing force. There is even a similarity of the "Museum healing". And in the church Tu-Pina many times John Paul II was.

An excursion ends in one of the most picturesque places of the island - on the Belveder viewing area, offering stunning views of the islands of Malta and Comino. After that, the ferry will deliver you back to Malta, along the way, again, will be able to admire non-manual beauties ...

The excursion is really interesting and informative. The cost of an 8-hour excursion is about 50 euros.

Festa . This is an evening excursion, durability of 4 hours.

From June to September in the cities of Malta, a traditional religious holiday is held - Festa (not to be confused with the physius). It is held once a year in honor of the saint patron of the city. It is important here to know in which city and what kind of church is a festival. The center of the Folk Gulia is the church, especially decorated these days. The city itself is decorated with images of saints, flowers, garlands, etc. You will see the march of the local brass orchestra (if you are late, then only his concert near the church). In the same place, next to the church, you can try national Maltese dishes and sweets, see a stunning salute, sometimes going on to 2 hours and fabulous fireworks!

By the way, about national dishes. I still regret that I did not try snails. Maltese themselves were so famously chosen from the shell and ate with pleasure.

The cost of a 4-hour excursion is about 20 euros.

There was a "about" and rounded about the price everywhere, because from various cities and different hotels the price may vary slightly.

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