When is it better to rest in Spain?


Summer. Beach rest

Although Spain is in the south, everyone who wants to go there on a beach vacation should be remembered that the beach season in Spain lasts from June to September.

If you are interested in a beach vacation, then you can choose one summer months for him or pay your attention to September. The air temperature is quite high already in May (it can even reach 30 degrees), but the sea has not yet warmed up to a comfortable temperature - in May and the very beginning of June, water will be cold or cool - its average temperature ranges from 20 to 23 degrees. By mid-June, water is already beginning to warm up, on average its temperature is about 25 degrees, and it becomes comfortable for swimming. The warmest water on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea is waiting for you in July and August, but this time (especially August) is not in vain called a high season - it is for these months that there are peak of tourist activity, so, going to rest at this time, get ready for crowds of tourists and overestimated prices. It is in August that prices increase significantly (I mean first of all the prices for accommodation and flight), such as accommodation in the hotel in August will be on average for a third more expensive than in September. In addition, be prepared for the fact that all popular restaurants and cafes will have a lot of people, somewhere you will have to stand in line, and, of course, do not forget about the crowds of people on the beach - on the most popular Salou type resorts (under Barcelona) With difficulty, you can find a place to lie down on the beach.

In addition, it is not necessary to forget that it is August that is the hottest month in Spain - at this time the temperature may exceed 30 and even 35 degrees, so, choosing August to rest, have this in mind.

When is it better to rest in Spain? 5811_1

September. The Velvet season

In September, the number of tourists sharply decreases, but the sea still does not have time to cool, so for the beach holiday September is quite suitable. The air temperature in September is still quite high - usually 25-27 degrees, but there are no such heat, as in August. September How can not be suitable for recreation with children, older people, as well as with everyone who does not love heat. In addition, everyone will save, it is worth paying for this month - for absolutely the same conditions of residence you pay significantly less.

Autumn, Winter and Spring

In October, the season on the Mediterranean coast comes to an end. Water cools, the air temperature decreases, rains and winds come on the coast. The number of sunny days depends on the specific place of your stay - in the northern regions of Spain - Galicia, Asturias - Rain is quite frequent, in the center of the country - in Madrid and its surroundings, in the south (primarily in the province of Andalusia) and all the coast of the Mediterranean Sea - Still quite frequent phenomenon. Winter in Spain is pretty soft, negative temperature - a rarity, there are practically no snow (except for the mountains). In general, the daily temperatures in the winter rarely falls below 10 degrees, but at night is pretty cool.

The time from October to May is perfect for sightseeing holidays in Spain - at this time Nezarko, so you will not need to be pushed from the heat, admiring historical monuments. Tourists in Spain at this time less (it is believed that this is not a season), so you do not have to defend the line in the museums and push in the cafes. At the same time, as I already noted, winter in Spain is soft, so you will not need to take a lot of warm things with you.

In addition, carnivals and holidays are held in many cities in Spain - if you want to plunge into the atmosphere of the Spanish celebration - choose March or April for your trip.

Below I would like to draw your attention to the most appropriate holiday time at specific resorts of Spain.


Spain belongs to a number of islands in the Mediterranean Sea, among them - the Balearic Islands, to which Ibiza belongs - the dream of all lovers of clubs and parties. The island is famous for its clubs - they are rightly referring to the best clubs in the world - firstly, they are huge, secondly, they are distinguished by magnificent interiors, an excellent light-sound system, and thirdly, they are the most famous DJs of the world - among them David Ghetta, Tiso, Armin Van Buren, Karl Cox, Laebek Luke and many others.

The season of parties in Ibiza lasts from May to September - the season opens in May, but there are not so many people at that time, the peak of the season is July - August, at this time clubs are overcrowded, in September there are parties on the closure of the season. From October to May clubs are closed or open at the weekend (as, for example, Pacha), but there are few people in them, therefore this time is a cloud, which does not matter any comparison with summer parties.

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In addition to the islands in the Mediterranean, Spain owns the Canary Archipelago in the Atlantic (next to the shore of Africa). Since Canaras are significantly south of mainland Spain, the average annual temperature there is higher - in October and May you can swim in the ocean. In principle, you can swim on the canals all year round, but it should be noted that the water in the Atlantic is colder than the Mediterranean. If you are satisfied with the invigorating water - welcome to Canara. You can also splash in the pool all year round - most hotels have heated pools, so in the winter you can combine the inspection of the island (and there is something to look) and relaxation.

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Sierra Nevada

A pleasant surprise for many will be the presence of a real ski resort in Spain! Yes, yes, you understood everything correctly - in southern Spain you can go skiing. This resort is very close to Granada, in the south of Spain, in the province of Andalusia. Sierra Nevada is a mountain chain that rises above the southern coast of the Pyrenean Peninsula. The season for skiers and snowboarders there lasts from December to March, and the tracks are best suited for beginners and mid-level athletes. As I mentioned above, the winter is the most appropriate time to visit Spain with excursions, and sports lovers will be able to combine the inspection of the South of Spain with skiing or snowboarding. By the way, the prices at this resort are not very high - there is significantly cheaper than in Switzerland or France.

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