Communication with turtles on Sri Lanka


Whatever the country is visited by a tourist, everywhere it is offered for this or that time with animals. In Thailand, it is riding an elephant, in Maldives - observation of dolphins. And on Sri Lanka, you can see the most diverse sea turtles that sail to the island to postpone the eggs. But here you can not only consider them from afar, swimming in the waters near the shore. At the turtle farms, Sri Lanka inhabitants can be stroked, hold the turtle in their hands or even participate in the release of small turtles in the ocean. All this causes a storm of emotions. Even adults are interested in chatting with sea turtles, and what to talk about children for whom a visit to this place turns into a feast of communication with nature.

On Sri Lanka, several such turtle farms. And it is noteworthy that they belong to ordinary locals who contain turtles there mainly for their money and from pure enthusiasm and love for nature. The fact is that many of the species of these turtles are on the verge of extinction and kill or collect their eggs are strictly prohibited. But some of the islanders live below the poverty line and no laws stop them from not going on the beach in the morning, and not getting free of free scrambled eggs for breakfast.

So on the island and volunteers appeared, which forward poachers in the morning are looking for masonry turtle, left on the shore at night and carry them into the safe walls of their farms. There they wait for eggs when eggs will hatch and let go of the little two-three-day turtles on the will into the ocean. Some farms owners who can afford it will buy eggs from local residents. And those instead of eating them or selling them in a restaurant, carry their compatriots. Sometimes farm owners pick up sick and wounded adult turtles that cannot produce food themselves and place them in large farm aquariums. If the turtle cured, they are released, and they remain very injured on the farm to make money for their relatives on tourists.

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Such mini farms are located on the shore along the main road of Sri Lanka, slimming the whole island. Sometimes it is not even necessary to go on a tour, you can simply drive by, stay in any place you like. We have visited two different farms during the rest. One is located in the city of Kostoda, not far from Bentota. Other - not far from Unawatuna Beach.

I liked it in Kureg. You can get there for a symbolic fee of $ 3. For this money, the owner gladly tells about his pets, allows them to hold and photograph them. He does not hide that a cheap entrance ticket is just a reason to lure tourists. And the main profit on the content of the turtles comes with donations all the same tourists. But, frankly, donations leave almost everything with great pleasure. The owner is a very positive person and does not lick anything and does not deceive. He is completely sincere and welcoming all tourists. We even allowed to participate in the departure of small turtles in a large life in the depths of the ocean. Since we arrived in the evening and he was just going to release turtles, he suggested to participate completely for free. Everyone picked up in his hands on a small turtle and his own hand to the shore, so that they swam in the waves of the tide. Feelings indescribable. You keep a small creation in your hands, which weighs grams 20 and understand that they are very small on Earth, they represent value. And then such an opportunity to release the baby to freedom. We all slandered joy there. As after this, do not leave donations to the owner on the development of the case. And I'm completely sure that money will go exactly on the content of the turtles, and not for your own gain.

On the second farm near Unavatuna liked less. There are also many turtles there. Some of them weigh up to 20 kg. But the atmosphere is somehow tense. There were several people there. It seems like all owners, but when we came, they did not even get up from their chairs. Just sat and waited when we look at it. Unlike the welcoming owner of the first farm, we did not like at all. In addition to the water ticket, we did not pay anything else.

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I think to visit at least one farm turtles on Sri Lanka must be necessary. Communicating with the inhabitants, get a huge charge of positive emotions. The turtles themselves are very beautiful and colorful. They differ from the steppe turtles, in which the color of the shell is usually sulfur. Sea turtles come across green, and red, and even with bright orange stripes on the shell. Very beautiful animals. It is worth come here even in order to make your modest financial contribution to maintaining the species. And maybe save them from extinction.

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