Holidays in Singapore


Singapore is a city-country called the same name, which is 137 kilometers from the equator. According to the legend, the prince sailed here from Sumatra was met by a certain being, whose head of a lion and the tail of the fish. After that, the prince founded the settlement, calling him Singa Pura, whose symbol was the mythical being. It is a symbol of the state to this day.

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I think the city is the safest and friendly. In addition, this is also the cleanest and beautiful city-state, because people for dirt are subject to very large fines, in addition to taxes. And the chewing is so sold at the pharmacy according to the recipe, as the most polluting product.

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Singapore is built up with both modern business centers and old historical objects that are literally nearby, which is very unusual.

Acquaintance with the country from tourists begins with Changi Airport, which is a huge shopping center, and the city is 18 kilometers away. The country's territory includes the main island of Singapore and another 58 islands along the coast.

The first mention of Singapore is still in the chronicles of the III century, which belong to the Chinese. Since then, a lot of time has passed, the city has a very rich history, and many historically valuable objects have been preserved to our times.

The weather here is almost always warm, there are no snow at all. We somehow got here on the eve of the New Year, so it was just amazing. Only due to the fact that in the city there were New Year's deer and other festive decorations, it was possible to understand that it was just a holiday time.

The city is surprisingly combined with tightly intertwined cultures of various nations that live here. These are Indian, Chinese and other quarters. This is a huge garden city, here is a large concentration of parks and botanical gardens, given that the territory of the country is very small. Near shopping centers are huge pyruses in which the full trees grow, because the ability to plant them in the ground is not always due to tightly located buildings.

I was struck by Lau Pa Sat-the largest Victorian structure, made from the cast iron, the center of the business district, and just a place where it is necessary to go, having arrived in Singapore. The building of the chijmes part of the national wealth of the country, a former monastery, in which today you can eat perfectly, make purchases and just stroll.

Home shopping street-Orchard Road, where you can buy almost everything.

At the reservoir, Selletar is a chic Singapore zoo, which has more than two thousand animals. It is in it that is given the opportunity to see rare, disappearing animal species. For example, Sumatran tiger, a gold claw monkey and a dwarf hypopotam.

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Butterfly Park is simply striking with its unique beauty. Butterflies fly high under grids, there are very beautiful views.

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Be sure to visit the largest oceanarium, which is located on the island of Satentose. Fish is just swimming over your heads, even huge skates, which creates an exciting impression, and at the same time exciting!

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