Rest in Johor-Baru: pros and cons. Should I go to Johor Baru?


Johor-Baru is a city in the southern part of the Malaysia Peninsula. And besides, he is the capital of Johor's state and the most southern city on the mainland of Eurasia. Local people are loving, reduce the name of the city and call it jamb or just JB. This noisy and modern city is the second most important in Malaysia. And it is not by chance. After all, Johor-Baru is a developed tourist center and annually attracts many people to himself. To this end, there is everything you need including international class hotels, numerous restaurants, shopping and entertainment centers.The city has a special rhythm of life that is inherent only. Johor-Baru is economically well safe and has the same neighbor in the face of Singapore. Thanks to this, there are always many foreigners in the city. And this is not only tourists, but also large businessmen.

About 1.5 million people live here, but compared to other cities of the country, the building is less dense here. In Johar-Baru, there is a conditional division of regions south, west, north and east.

By the way, about 60% of tourists in Johor - Baru is the neighbors from Singapore. The city is attractive for them for two reasons. First, it is near the house, and secondly, they won on the difference in currency exchange rates. In addition, prices in the city in restaurants and shops are much cheaper than in their country. Due to the fact that many Singapuretsev come to rest and shopping, the track leading to Singapore is always filled with a variety of transport, from buses to motorcycles.

In addition, Johor-Baru serves as the starting point for a trip to Desara. This is a resort on the east coast of Malaysia. From this city, it is very convenient to visit such attractive places as the city of Malacca and the wonderful beaches of Tioman.

Ja Bi is the most developing city of Malaysia in the industrial sense. And it would seem that this could not be connected with tourism. But this is not the case, the city is very attractive for tourists. Although compared to neighboring Singapore, he loses in the purity of the streets, but wins prices and food including.


Due to the fact that in Johor-Bor there are many tourists of different nationalities, the city has restaurants with national and European cuisine. For those who prefer fast food, there are many fast food restaurants, including those and adorable McDonalds. And next door to them are small cafes, where you can taste very sharp Vietnamese or Malay dishes. The most important basis of Malay cuisine is traditionally rice in different variations.

Rest in Johor-Baru: pros and cons. Should I go to Johor Baru? 57915_1

There are usually a fresh rice called NASI and complement it with different spices. It should be known that in traditional Malay cuisine is never used pork. This is due to the fact that the overwhelming population of the country confesses Islam, and pork is prohibited in this religion. But Muslim believers in Malaysia are tolerant to representatives of other world religions and this means that pork dishes in Johor-Bor can be found in some restaurants you can still.

And in the Malay kitchen traditionally use fish, chicken, beef and lamb.

The choice of Malay dishes is huge. All tourists first of all recommend trying a rice noodle dishes with different additives.

Rest in Johor-Baru: pros and cons. Should I go to Johor Baru? 57915_2

Also very tasty dishes like fried rice with shrimps, with the addition of vegetables and eggs. More delicious chicken pieces with sweet sauce and beef, boiled in coconut milk. Beef is at all very juicy and fragrant. It is worth paying attention to buffalo tails soup. It sounds not very attractive, but in fact it is a rather tasty soup. Salads there is also a pretty large selection and they are delicious. And for dessert herself should be pleased with very tasty jelly and pancakes with fruit filling.

Rest in Johor-Baru: pros and cons. Should I go to Johor Baru? 57915_3

The most popular drink in Johor-Bor is coconut milk. Coconuts as in Thailand sold at every step and very nice to drink cold milk through the tube. It is worth the pleasure of a penny. Even there they love to drink tea and coffee. By the way, there is a very large selection of fresh juices. But alcohol drinks thanks to religion are not used by local residents. Although if desired, you can buy beer or wine in the store. But you can still drink only at your hotel. The appearance in a drunk on the street, at a minimum, not respectful.


Public transport in Johor-Bor is buses, the metro in the city is not.

The city has two types of taxi-red and blue. The difference between them is that blue cars are transporting passengers only around the city. And red cars can be taken beyond the city. There is one more nuance that traveling in a blue taxi will be twice as expensive. There is no point in bargaining with taxi drivers, because they all work on the meter. And you should not sit in a taxi without a counter, because the taxi driver can greatly overestimate prices. By the way, there are paid roads and for travel on them it will be necessary to pay additionally.


Most likely due to numerous Singapore tourists who cannot be called poor, in Johor-Bor there are many hotels of high-class, where everything is created for higher level recreation. But the hotels 3 and 4 stars there are also not small and they are very comfortable and the service in them is very good. This city is well resting to everyone, including budget tourists. For them, there is a good choice of accommodation in Guesthouses.


The city is not designed to bored tourists. It has many large entertainment and trading complexes. Among them, you can highlight a giant size of a duty-free shop called Johor Bahru Duty Free Zone. There you can see the floating restaurant and the hall for the conference and the nightclub. And for shopping lovers there are several floors of a variety of shops. In addition, there is a marina with a marina from which ferries go to Singapore and Indonesia.

In the vicinity of the city, too, there are many interesting places for recreation. Inspection of some pineapple plantations worth.

Johor-Baru is ideal for an interesting holiday and, moreover, this is a fairly safe city and interesting for children, including largely due to numerous entertainment and friendliness of local residents.

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