What should I look at Hershade?


Hershad (Herscheid) - Commune in Germany, in the ground North Rhine - Westphalia, an hour from Cologne. In general, this is not too famous city, although very old (for the first time, NM is mentioned in 1071, and other sources argue that people lived in this place from the 4th century!). In the early years, the city had an important political importance, since he was located next to Kieln, who, as you know, played a significant role in the history of Europe throughout its existence, starting with the Roman era.

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What should I look at Hershade? 5782_2

By the way, the Germans themselves about Hershad know little (I asked). But I really liked it there - nature is just beautiful. Such forests, mountains, fields, full of expathere. People in Hershade live quite a little, the population barely reaches 8 thousand people. So, Khershad is not a city, but rather, a village area of ​​60 km².

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If suddenly decided to visit this glorious corner, I will tell you what you can do.

Visit MÄRKISCHE MUSEUM RAILWAY. (Märkische Railway Museum).

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What should I look at Hershade? 5782_5

Like the young, and the old. The museum has existed for more than thirty years. It contains trains that previously served railways in Zauseda (mountainous region in the west of Germany.), Where you can ride on the old rails of a narrow track (1000 mm). As if you get to the past - this train with a steaming pipe, open wagons! The train makes a small circle, and during the trip you can explore the surroundings. The museum is located at ElseTalstraße 46.

Robert-kolb-turm - Tower of Robert Flask.

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The tower on the outskirts of Hershad on Mount Ebbegebirge (the highest point of the area) was built almost 200 years ago. By the way, the tower ordered to build Napoleon himself. And they called the tower later, in honor of the German engineer who lived in the area and engaged in the installation of an optical telegraph in the tower (devices for transmitting information to long-range distances with light signals.) Unfortunately, the scientist died suddenly and never found out that in His honor is named his main brainchild. A couple of times the tower later had to be rebuilt, after the natural cataclysms (mad grandmothers were invested, by the way). At the moment, within the tower there is a glazed observation deck, from where a wonderful view of the surrounding area opens.

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The observation deck is available every day, except Monday. Next to the tower is the restaurant "Gaststätte Nordhelle" (Nordhelle 1). From the center of Hershad to this tower about 10 minutes by car.

"SPIEKER" He is one of the oldest buildings in Hershade.

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The building is built from stone presumably at the beginning of the 15th century. But in fact, the building was actively used only in 1800, when he was renovated by a half-timbered design. Actually, in this form, the speaker is still located. The building contains an office, registry office and library. The name of the museum comes from the German "Speicher" - storage, warehouse. Many years ago there was a church in this building. Also speaker is a local history museum. Locals donated the exhibits for the museum to open the exhibition, which tells about the life of the city in the old days.

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Here and objects from the old school, clothing and national costumes, furniture items, kitchen utensils, books. The entrance to the museum is free, but it is worth a donation box, where any guest can put "how much it is not a pity."

Church of the Holy Apostles (Apostelkirche Herscheid)

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The Apostles Protestant Cubic is first mentioned in 1072 in the annals of the Archbishop Ano II Cologne (there is evidence that the church was accepted in the age of earlier). The church was rebuilt many times, changed style, ruin. About 40 years ago, the church was finally renovated after she was very destroyed during attacks during World War II. At the moment, there is a medieval altar in the church, the department of the late 17th century, a plate with flat threads from 1548, an organ 17 century, images of ten apostles approximately 1720, as well as the remnants of baroque elements in the design of the altar, benok and gallery . A completely stunning spectacle! The church is located on Am Kirchplatz Square in the city center.

Ahe-Hammer He is a monument to the architecture of Hershad and the Merkish district.

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The building is located in the valley of the Schwartz Ache River and is an industrial monument. In essence, this is an old forge. Now the mill turned into a museum and one of the best technical monuments of culture in Germany. The building was built in the 16th century by the family of workers. Inside the forge - absolutely stunning huge structures, including a water wheel, huge hammers and agency, which give an idea of ​​how they interpret the cast iron in those distant years.

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What should I look at Hershade? 5782_16

Be sure to visit this place! It is a 10-minute drive from the center of Hershad at Schwartz Ahe 20.

In addition, it is very interesting to walk around the surroundings of Hershad. Particularly interesting Nordhelle - High mountains of the Western Sauerland district (Dada, there is the tower here, and, by the way, not one - there is still aussichtsturm).

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Very beautiful meadow, hill, forest, robust. There is a special way for disabled people and wheelchairs.

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And in general, it is great to just stroll through Hershaid - cute graded houses, cozy streets, no noise and gama - idyll. Even people are kinder there, or something. Such a unhurried happy life. As in the old German fairy tale.

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What should I look at Hershade? 5782_21

By the way, hotels here are very small and two to three options. I will not make it in a separate article, I will write here. For example, "ZUM ADLER" (Am Markt 1). This is a restaurant hotel.

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Restaurant, by the way, is designed for 180 people. Rooms of hotels are very simple, you can say rustic - wicker chairs, a solid wooden bed, an old TV. The night for one in this room costs 40 euros along with breakfast, for two - 72 euros with breakfast.

Another variant - "Gasthof Hubertushof" (Oberdorfstraße 2).

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These two hotel are just three minutes from each other. At this hotel at the bottom there is a great hotel and beer garden, one pleasure here to live, in short.

Is there some more "Gasthof Neumühle" . If the previous hotels were in the heart of Hershad, this one is a little further. Rooms are also very simple, no sings. All with your own shower and toilet. Also, they prepare very tasty homemade pastries and pies on breakfasts, and a special dish is giant cherry pastries and whipped cream.

Here is such a nice horshad!

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