Is it worth going to Slairem Moldova?


Salnik Moldova is a popular and well-known resort not only to citizens of Romania, but also many countries of Europe. In addition, there is no rare here to see tourists from Israel. Its popularity is related to mineral sources, which are here two dozen, different in their properties and chemical composition. Some of them there are no analogues all over the world, and no wonder at international exhibitions, where various resorts with world glory represent their mineral waters, samples from Salnik Moldova often conquered gold medals.

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Sanatoriums located on the territory of the resort are treating such diseases as a disruption of metabolism, diseases of the liver and biliary tract, digestive organs, cardiovascular diseases and diseases of the respiratory tract, as well as diseases of the nervous system, the effects of injuries and skin diseases. As you can see, a list of fairly relevant and common diseases today.

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The advantage of the resort consists in the location of mineral springs, which are located at a short distance from each other and the territory with a total length of eight hundred meters, which is very convenient if the doctor's appointment of the water treatment is different in its composition. And since there should be a small time interval between acceptors, then walking or resting on a bench with inhalation of the purest mountain air, the Carpathians will have to be likewise.

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For accommodation in the resort there are various options. First of all, these are hotels with their medicinal base, medical personnel and procedural offices. Here, at the direction of the doctor, a complex of treatment is produced with the appointment of the necessary procedures, the reception of mineral water from certain sources and subsequent control over the course of treatment. In this regard, I can recommend the hotel "Venus" 2 * +. A completely decent hotel with good service personnel and an excellent treatment base for procedures. It is worth noting a convenient location to mineral sources.

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For those who do not interest the procedures, and the ride is to rest and receive mineral water, can easily settle in guesthouses or villas. The same option is suitable for those tourists who arrived in order to treat the respiratory organs implying visiting the Salt Mine's "Trout" near Salnik Moldova,

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In the town of Targu-window, where there is a speleotherpeutic complex designed for the treatment of bronchial asthma patients.

In addition to all, it is worth noting the discovery of the ski resort "Pearl of Moldova" in Salnik Moldova, which is planned this month. The length of the slope is 1,400 meters, so those tourists who decide to come to rest and treatment during the winter period will be able to diversify their skiing. And in the summer you can offer fishery lovers to visit the Forelevoy economy.

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Transport accessibility is also one of the advantages of visiting this resort. In eighty kilometers is the city of Bacau, which makes the train stops Moscow-Sofia. From Bacau, you can get to Targu-window on the bus, which is located in eighteen kilometers from Salnik Moldova, between which the bus also runs.

Many tourists come to the resort with children, and both in the summer months and during the winter holidays. For children, various playgrounds are built here, and in hotels there are gaming rooms and gaming devices. In the salt mine, the "Trout" 'also provides for children and sports grounds for a comfortable pastime.

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In general, the resort Salnik Moldova has everything for a comfortable recreation and treatment, the only disadvantage of this resort can be a language barrier, which in principle is solved by small knowledge of English, although there are among staff and those who understand or speak Russian a little, mainly Of those who studied at school with Ceausescu, when Russian language was taught.

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