Useful information about the holiday in Jaisalmera.


Jaisalmer is located in the middle of the Great Indian Desert Tar in Rajistan on the border with Pakistan. Amazing city, but it's not so easy to get to it, because It is located in some removal from the launched tourist trail (cities).

Useful information about the holiday in Jaisalmera. 5763_1

For Jaisalmer, we have almost completely relaxed, although it would seem to have to be the opposite: even the local in Jaipur was warned that in Jaisalmera, the Virtuosos of the highest class, which are easy and imperceptibly punish you, while you are responsible for greeting. Nothing like us did not happen in Jaisalmera, nor after him. In Jaisalmera, we generally lost the vigilance so much that they wandered around the market with backpacks behind the back (and not in front) and did not even think about any troubles: no one even tried to get closer to us and seem to be incolutions to "rub" about our things.

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70% of the Population of Jaisalmer make up Brahmins - representatives of the highest caste. I was originally configured in the best way, because the feedback about this place is contrary to each other. My alertness and all my doubts were dispelled within one and a half hours after arrival. At the station, a very smart young man ran to us, which was taratoril in English, as a head, offering his services as a cab driver and a consultant for local hotels. Do not be afraid of such guys if they cause you trust. The guy was really the owner of the hotel, and if it seems suspicious to the fact that the owner himself comes up to those who have come down from the train, it offers to bring to the hotel if you have already chosen it, and see his hotel, if not yet chosen. Moreover, he immediately agreed that if we still decide to stop with him, then the ride from the station would be free. The fact is that, despite all the amazing beauty of the Golden City, the number of travelers coming here strongly inferior to a large number of hotels on any wallet. Those. In order for His guests, he needs to at least specify where to move. Otherwise, they will find housing closer to the station themselves - worse or better - the fifth case, because Compare will not be compared with.

Here are cafes with European food for Indian PLA))) My friends, do not eat European goodies in India - not because they are not real, even real, although not today, and not yesterday, perhaps, but quite Decent after the microwave donuts (well, the chocolate melted, so now, is there anything?))), Just here is all like a cow saddle. Not that, and not to the place. Somehow ridiculous and no pleasure. Massed chocolate to the most ears and washed off the espressing of plastic cups - funny ...

What is the most striking, we spent in Jaisalmera for almost a week, but no one asked for our documents. Nang and everyone else in the hotel knew our names, and when the safari was drawn up, we passed under the code name "pair of sisters". If you think that always and for all we paid an advance, then you are deeply mistaken. For example, settled in the hotel and governing the amount of payment, we did not pay money. I offered Nang money on the first day, but he told me: "Do not. Then, when you leave, then pay. " - "And if I do not pay?" - "Why? You are a good person, you will not deceive. " - "And if I say that I have no money?" "Well, if there is no money, you will come back to Russia, and then you will send me." What problems?" I believe you. I was amazed and did not believe my ears: "Nanga, is it possible to be so trusting? After all, people are different. " - "But you are not so. Think itself: if I go to a person with an open soul and not going to deceive him, could he deceive me? I am sure that people will treat me as I treat them yourself. " Here you guys, a lesson of limitless personification, endless faith in human essence! The man holds the hotel in the depths of the desert, two girls come to him unknown from where (the documents he did not see ours, even the concept does not have, do we have a visa and whether we have a position in the country) that are unknown when they seem With them, not even takes money! He just believes, and that's it!

Useful information about the holiday in Jaisalmera. 5763_3

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