Where to go to Lausanne and what to see?


Lausanne is so much diverse and multifaceted that there is something interesting for everyone here. The city is rich in not only museums and architectural attractions, there will be something interesting for lovers of wildlife and outdoor activities. In order to see all the beauty of Lausanne, we had to visit the city twice. And so, for lovers of all living creatures, especially reptiles, there are vivarium in Lausanne, where the most large reptile collections live in Europe. Vivari is within walking distance from the city center, accurate address: 82 Chemin de Boissonnet. Entrance for adult 12 francs, and for a family of 5 people (2 adults and 3 children) - 30 francs.

Here they live cold-blooded reptiles, spiders, scorpions, etc. from all over the world. The conditions are created for them are very close to the real environment, so I think it is very comfortable in Vivaria. Many of them are very cute (turtles and lizards), watching them one pleasure. And some are just terrible, so pleased that visitors and livestock shares the glass.

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After Vivaria, it is necessary to look at the Cantonal Museum of Ziology, which is located on the last floor of the Ryumin Palace. Although for some place will seem terrible and slightly frightening, because there are stuffed animals. Frankly, I would prefer to see these animals with living, in the zoo, and even better in the wild.

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A more inspiring place is the Botanical Garden. There are plants from all over the world, elegant orchids grow in the greenhouse, and here they grow cocoa, CORION and other exotic goodies. Special attention is paid here to representatives of the local flora and in the fauna in so called Alpinaria. Created by this wonderful collection of flora in the 19th century. The garden is located a 20-minute walk from Notre Dame Cathedral.

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And another green landmark is the Parc De Mon-Repos, located near the Cathedral. From June to September, there are concerts in this park and show movies. Back in the 19th century, one of the owners of the estate and the garden decided to equip the English landscape there, so he ordered trees and bushes from different continents. Also, there was an artificial waterfall, equipped the greenhouses and landed very beautiful flower beds.

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Charming lawns, old tees, cedar, sekvoy ... Beauty that you want to admire parts. The air is just gorgeous here. The mining fresh breeze is mixed with the aroma of the needles and drunk only from one breath. This is what is better to see and feel what to read and try to imagine.

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