When is it better to relax in Salnik Moldova?


Since Salnik Moldova is not a sea, but a balneological resort, the purpose of which is rather amendment of health, rather than an ordinary rest, then you can come here at any time of the year. If someone rested in Truskavets and has a presentation that it is, then about the same thing expects you here. The beauty of the Carpathian mountains, mineral springs, which by the way here are fourteen pieces, different in their chemical composition and properties, plus sanatorium treatment, if of course it interests you. Although some come only to breathe clean mountain air and drink mineral water.

When is it better to relax in Salnik Moldova? 5753_1

As a rule, I came here in the winter, after the new year, more precisely, when the winter holidays ended in schools, since during the holidays in Salnik Moldova there is a large number of tourists with children. It is a bit uncomfortable in that the hotel's corridors are constantly with a screech children and even the procedural covers are quite noisy and fussy.

The climate here is pretty soft and although snow can fall out quite a lot, the frost is usually not very strong. It is just the perfect option for morning jogging to mineral sources. And the purity of winter mountain air does not need praise. It is worth noting that during this period you can agree on the price for accommodation a little cheaper, at least I make a comparison between my trips during the winter holidays and closer to the end of January.

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I will not say that this is due to the fact that there are no people. There are holidaymakers, but mostly these are people aged and a group of athletes, as a rule of football players who are in full force, including coaches, undergo a course of procedures and rest before the start of a new sports season. It is clear that most rests from budget funds, so at the sight of tourists who are willing to pay for accommodation and procedures in cash, in the eyes of the administrator are of great interest. Naturally, part of the money, and maybe the whole amount is not in the state treasury, but to raise the well-being and living standards of the hotel's staff, from which the "flexible system of discounts". But it is clear that this applies only to the hotels to the state. In the summer, of course, here is also good, beautiful nature, clean air and close to the terrel economy, where you can even go fishing, but this time is more suitable for recreation with children.

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Salt Mine, which is not far from Salnik Moldova, in the city of Targu-window, which is used to treat respiratory diseases, with their halls and even the church, can also be visited at any time of the year, so choosing a recreation period, everyone can decide on What time of year he likes more.

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It is worth noting that this month, that is March 2014, the ski resort ski resort should be opened in Salnik Moldova, which will be called "Pearl of Moldova", so that there is also skiing and skiing, which will even more increase the popularity of the resort.

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