Recreation Information in Germany


Germany is one of the most developed and popular from the tourists of the European Union.

What does it attract tourists so and who will have to rest in this country?

History and attractions

Germany has a very rich history, this country has formed over several centuries. In the Middle Ages, Germany was fragmented, it had a huge number of principalities and free cities, each of which had its own government, his prince and, of course, his own culture. That is why in many cities of Germany there are monuments of antiquities - the palaces of the short-lived princes, the fortresses created to protect against other areas and monuments to outstanding figures.

In Germany, a lot of small, but very cozy towns, in each of which have their own sights - it can be a writer's house, who lived here, the old church, the town hall building and much more. Towns are very comfortable and clean, so walking on them - one pleasure. There quietly and calmly, the people are not very much, so such a rest is not suitable for those who are looking for solitude.

In major cities of Germany, too, a lot of monuments. The largest cities are Hamburg, Berlin, Munich, Cologne, Frankfrurt Main.

The largest city in the north of Germany is Hamburg He retained the features of the Middle Ages. The main attractions of Hamburg are the Town Hall, built in the 19th century, ancient church - the Church of St. Catherine, the Church of St. Nicholas and the Church of St. Michael, a monument to Bismarck, as well as numerous museums - for example, the Gallery of the Arts (Kunsthalle), the Northern German Museum, the Ethnological Museum, as well as the Museum of Hamburg History.

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Berlin - The capital of Germany is located in the east of the country. Among those places worth visiting Berlin, you can highlight the Reichstag building, the Brandenburg Gate, the Olympic Stadium, the Berlin Zoo, the Old National Gallery, Pergami and Egyptian Museums.

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Frankfrurt on - Main , located in the center of the country, is one of the largest business centers of Germany and all of Europe as a whole. Among the monuments of antiques and culture is to highlight the Cathedral of St. Bartholomew, built in the Gothic style, Church of St. Paul, Museum of Applied Arts. The business part of the city is completely built up with skyscrapers, some of which can be climbed and enjoy the panorama of the city.

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Koln - Another city of Germany with a population of over a million people, located in the west of the country, one of the most famous attractions - Cologne Cathedral, which is one of the few monuments of the city, which has reached our days safe and preservation. Also in the city there is a twelve romance church, the Museum of Valrafa - Richarz, in which the paintings of the Middle Ages, Roman - the German Museum, the Museum of East Asian Art, and the Museum of Spirits are collected.

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Munich - The capital of Bavaria and the largest city in the south of the country can also offer tourists a number of museums (Bavarian National Museum, Old and New Pinakotek (that is, a collection of paintings), Glyiptotek (sculpture assembly), buildings of a new and old town hall, as well as the BMW Museum.

Thus, it can be concluded that in all major cities in Germany there is something to see. Undoubtedly, in addition to the above cities in Germany, there are still a lot of interesting places, but, unfortunately, they are impossible to describe them in this article.

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Germany is not better suitable for shopping - in any major city, both large shopping centers and luxurious boutiques are operating, which are most often located on the central streets. Prices for clothes in Germany are lower than in Russia, and if we take into account the tax-free tax, which is returned to all EU residents, the benefit is essential. The choice in stores is quite large, there is presented both youth clothing and elegant clothes for older people.


Germany attracts tourists also with its low prices - in just a thousand - a thousand with a small (rubles) per night you can stay in a three-star hotel in the heart of some major city. All hotels in Germany are clean and very comfortable for accommodation - just in cheaper hotels you will find a simpler atmosphere, and exquisite interiors will be offered lovers.

Prices for food in Germany also do not get tired to delight the tourist - only 10-15 euros can be satisfied in some cafe offering traditional German cuisine. In general, cafes and restaurants in Germany are located literally at every step - you will not be the slightest work to find a place where to eat.

Traveling with children and older people

Germany - Country Social, so much is done for the convenience of movement of people with children, disabled people and the elderly - at all metro stations there are elevators, all buses are equipped for convenient access of passengers from a carriage and disabled - so you can safely go on a trip with a child or elderly relative.

Communication with locals and security

In general, Germany is a fairly safe country. The Germans are the people in general the law-abiding and respectful other people's rights.

Of course, in large cities, as elsewhere, a number of crimes are committed - however, in order not to become their victim, it is necessary to observe the minimum caution - not to walk alone on the outskirts in the dark time of the day, follow your personal things, do not put in the rear pocket dear Phone or wallet - and then your vacation will pass without unpleasant randomness.

Very many Germans speak English, in the service sector in one or another level everyone knows everything, so you should not have problems. The Germans themselves are pretty friendly, so if you are lost, you can calmly turn to the passing outdoor. If you do not know German, please contact young people - unlike more older people, they are almost guaranteed to speak English.

Thus, Germany is best suited for sightseeing holidays, for recreation with children, there is also no you will be bored and youth (in Germany a huge number of modern nightclubs). Perhaps the only thing that cannot be done in Germany is to enjoy the warm sea and the sun - the sea is only in the north of the country and it is quite cool.

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