Recreation Information in Spain


Spain is located in the very southern Europe, recently it has become very popular among Russian tourists. Why does this country attract our compatriots? Spain has several undeniable advantages. This is a mild climate, a huge number of attractions, delicious food, as well as positive and ready-made local residents.


Spain is located in the Mediterranean climate, so the summer period is perfect for a beach holiday on the coast. In the east, Spain is washed by the Mediterranean Sea, and in the north of the Atlantic Ocean. The period from June to September is the best time for a beach holiday on the magnificent beaches of Spain. The summer temperature holds at about 30 degrees, however, the suffocating heat there, as a rule, no - the thermometer column does not rise above 35. The winter is rather warm there, as a rule, it is very sunny in winter, and the temperature is rarely lowered below 5-10 degrees. This time is not better suitable for sightseeing holidays in Spain - if the summer is too hot to visit monuments, then late autumn, winter and early spring is the best time for leisurely walks around the cities of Spain.

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Spain also interests both lovers delicious food - Mediterranean cuisine includes fish, seafood, olive oil, a large number of fresh fruits and vegetables. The favorite drink of Spaniards is red wine. In Spain, there are also national dishes - this is Paella (rice with seafood, fish or meat with the addition of spices), the cake (omelet from eggs and potatoes), tapas (a variety of snacks to alcohol), Sangria (alcoholic beverage based on red wine mixed with mineral water and other alcohol).

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The largest city of Spain and just the storehouse of old houses, museums and monuments is her capital - Madrid. There you can visit the Royal Palace, to visit one of the museums who have a huge collection of painting - the Prado Museum, the Museum of the Queen Sofia, as well as the Museum of Tissren - Borneis. In addition, Madrid has more unusual exhibitions - among them the Museum of Criminalistics and the Museum of Glass Products.

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Another popular city among tourists is Barcelona located on the Mediterranean coast. Such a good location makes it easy to combine beach holidays with a sightseeing program. In Barcelona, ​​antique buildings were preserved, as well as whole quarters, reminding us of the long-saved centuries - this is the Gothic Quarter, and the Quarter La Ribera. On Mount Montjuic is one of the largest parks throughout Europe, and its ancient fortress is located in the center. In Barcelona, ​​you can take a walk through the Park Guell, created by Antonio Gaudi and admire the unfinished cathedral of the Holy Family (Sagrada Last Name).

The third largest city of Spain is coastal valencia. In it, you can visit the Cathedral, Museum of Fine Arts, the National Museum of Ceramics, Museum of History of Valencia, Ethnological Museum, as well as a huge complex called - the Museum of Science and Art, which includes the Oceanarium, Cinema, Opera, Museum of Science and Garden.

One of the largest cities in southern Spain is called Seville. She is famous for the Seville Cathedral, which is the largest Gothic Cathedral throughout Europe, the residence of kings called Alcazar, an archaeological museum, a museum of fairies, as well as the only museum of Flamenco on the whole country.


On the territory of Spain there are entertainment for all ages - for children everywhere there are well-equipped and absolutely free playgrounds, in the parks of attractions and water parks for them, separate areas are allocated, in the café children will be offered a special menu and a high chair.

For young people on all major cities and resorts of Spain, amusement parks and water parks were opened - in Madrid there is a large amusement park called Casa de Campo (it is in the park of the same name), near Barcelona is all the well-known Port Aventura, which is also called Spanish Disneyland, not far from Benidorm (resort town in the province of Alicante) is a water park and Amusement Park Terra Mitica, in Seville Doors for you will open the ISla Magica Park and a small water park located next to it.

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In addition, on the beaches you will be offered a variety of water entertainment - and banana riding, and water skiing, and flying on a parachute, and hire of hydrocycles.

In all major cities of Spain, as well as in popular resorts there are a huge number of nightclubs, as well as bars. In Barcelona and Madrid, you will be able to visit the best nightclubs consisting of several levels on which various music is played. In the province of clubs, of course, more compromised - but in them you can have fun at the glory.

Also, it is Spain that the main partner island of the world - Ibiza, famous for its clubs and world-famous DJs, who come there with performances.

Security and Communication with Local Residents

Spain is a rather safe country, usually for foreigners are not committed by violent crimes. Of course, in large cities, as well as in the places of great accumulation of people there are a chance to stumble upon a pickpocket and lose valuable things - however, this is possible in any major city.

The Spaniards themselves are cheerful and friendly people, they treat tourists very well, not least and because tourism is one of the important items of the income of the national budget. The Spaniards are very friendly, so no conflict situations arise with them. True, you should consider that they are pretty lazy and slow, so that the fast service in restaurants do not have to count on. Unfortunately, not all Spaniards speak English, especially this concerns the residents of the province. If you speak English, approach young people - more chances that you can understand how middle-aged people and elderly English people know.

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