What should I see in Liepaja? The most interesting places.


Liepaja-port hill and the third largest city of Latvia. The city is very green, parks and gardens here more than 30%! The name of the city itself comes from "Liga", that is, "sand". There is this town at 3 o'clock riding from Riga.

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Liepaja is very cool, because there are quite good beaches with a small sand, which even won somehow the blue flag of the EU, but throughout the city - parks with tennis courts, mini-golf, there is a skate park, and children's Places, and so on.

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This is a confirmation of the high quality of sea water, the safety of the beach and good service. Here is a couple of places where you can look in Liepaja.

Museum of History and Art

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The museum presents collections that are talking about the historical past of Liepaja and the region. The museum is about 110 thousand exhibits. Opened this place in 1924. True, it was originally a place elsewhere. The museum is located on 2 floors, all furniture and decor elements - in the style of the beginning of the XX century. Especially good railing from wood, doors and portals.

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Museum several parts. For example, there is a department in which exhibits are exhibited related to the history of the Liepaja Territory, from the Stone Age and in the later centuries. Any archaeological finds and documents. For example, a necklace from the place of an ancient burial, the Scandinavian funeral stele, the helmet of the Kurisk warrior II-I century BC, and much more.

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There is a department with the exhibits of the Middle Ages, 13-18 centuries. As well as the hall with objects from tinsels of local masters - spoons, plates, dishes, pharmaceuticals, objects of church ministers (candlesticks, vases, etc.). An interesting department with exhibits dedicated to the city's life of the 19th century. Then the town was quite small, there lived no more than 5 thousand people, although today more than 80 thousand.

Orthodox Cathedral of St. Nicholas

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What should I see in Liepaja? The most interesting places. 57461_7

Beautiful temple began to build in the summer of 1900. In construction, the military department of Russia took part. Three years later, Nicholas II and his family participated in the consecration of the cathedral. The project was led by Petersburg architect, by the way. Maybe therefore the church resembles a ship, and at the base of the cross there are even anchor as a symbol of hope. Well, because the cathedral is located in the coastal town. The cathedral is built of concrete, sandstone and granite, walls - from red and yellow bricks - very sore. The church with five domes symbolizes Jesus Christ and 4 apostles. You can also see a high bell tower. The cathedral is consecrated in the name of St. Nicholas of the Wonderworker, who is always a heavenly patron and prayer of sailors. The facade of the building is decorated with inscriptions from the Holy Scriptures in church-Slavic language and icons from the Golden Mosaic, who also performed the masters from St. Petersburg. Inside the cathedral impresses its luxury. Here and gold shelves for icons, and three-tier iconostasis, and four massive crossed arches, forged lattices, 3 marble stairs, and so on. The sailors prayed in this temple, which flooded in the long Pacific campaigns. Unfortunately, during the First World Temple suffered greatly, but some of the icons and values ​​still managed to take out to other temples and save. In the temple, the sailor club was placed at all. During the Second World War, bronze bells removed, the temple was redone and destroyed. By the end of the 80s, the temple began to return to life, at least, near his door was performed by prayer (at his closed doors). And here by the 91nd year, worship began to pass again. It was quickly repaired, in the 92nd year it was consecrated (small sanctification, then it was one more in the 97th year) and since then the service here is held regularly. On donations of residents, the temple continue to decorate to this day. By the way, the crosses climbed the cathedral. Here is such a difficult fate of such a beautiful temple, the pearls of Liepaja.

Cathedral of the Holy Trinity

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The temple began to build in 1742, and in 1758 the Cathedral was already consecrated, although officially the construction ended almost a century later. Surprisingly, the temple did not stop their activities in despite the most different adversity and cataclysms. It is even more surprising that the temple was not reconstructed and did not change anything inside. Just perhaps a little, before the Second World War, and then, very little. The most valuable thing in the cathedral is an old authority. It seems like, until 1912 was the largest in the world. The body is huge, consists of 7,000 pipes or even more. Larger only organ of the opera theater in Sydney, with 125 registers and 10,000 pipes.

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In the church, well-known organists operate. By the way, these organists literally saved the life of the cathedral. For example, a student of the first woman-organist Maria Meiran, Tobius Yaugiethis, during the war, lived in the cathedral, wore water and extended small fires, which began due to the Cathedral of the Cathedral of Spark, can say, the Cathedral obliges life to them. Concerts are often held in the cathedral, the Cathedral is attended by about 300 people daily, including tourists. The Cathedral also holds a rite of initiation in San of Priests, the consecration of oil used in worship. Today, restoration work on funds received from charitable fees is being published in the Church.

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Repair of cosmetic mushrooms in the basement to remove, strengthen the towers, so as not to fall apart, and the other. So, the church will be happy to please their parishioners for a long time.

House Peter I.

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The house was built in the first half of the XVII century and since those times it stores the roof of the tiles, and peculiar frontaths. This building is first mentioned in the annals about the trip of Peter First to Liepaja. In this house, the king lived for a week. And after that, the name has stuck to the house. Then the hotel was opened at the house. Decor at home, by the way, is impressive. Mostly decorated beams on the ceiling. It is said that in the whole country there are only three such jewelry. And that, in the countryside, and here in the city! Also in the house there is a painting on the braided fabric - white-red flowers, medallions, some leaves. The appearance of his house acquired at the end of the 18th century. By the beginning of the 20th century, the doors of the late XIX century in the style of Neurokko, which were brought from another building. What else is interesting in the house-hole in the ceiling in the central room - through it raised the goods under the roof. This, it seems like, also uniqueness.

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From the middle of the last century before the beginning of the nineties in this house, exhibitions of the local museum were held. Then the house began to pull in different directions. Latvian folklore associations laid an eye on the house, but they have no home to restore it. The Russian community also offered to redeem him, but something also did not ask. Anyway, the house is still worth and glad.

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