What is worth viewing in Polotsk?


Polotsk can be called a real open-air museum, because the number of attractions that can be visited in this small town is really impressive.

The present symbol of Polotsk is Sophia Cathedral, towering on the steep shore of Western Dvina. The cathedral itself was built in the middle of the 11th century in the Byzantine style on the orders of Polotsk Prince Veslav Bryachslavich, thus, thus, the most old stone temple in Belarus. True, his fate is very tragic, and about how he looked initially can only be judged by the layout presented in the museum exposition inside. The fact is that during the siege of the city by the troops of Peter I in 1710, the temple was blown up and recovered later (and in fact, rebuilding) already in the Baroque style at that time, as evidenced by the tower and carved decorations of the fronton. Nevertheless, before this day, the old laying of the foundation of the ancient temple of the 11th century, which can be seen in the basement of the cathedral during an excursion (now there is a museum of the history of the Sophia Cathedral architecture), and the remains of ancient frescoes. In addition, in the premises of the Cathedral Museum you can see a collection of vintage rare coins found during excavations and testifying to the active trade relations of the city, as well as enjoy the sound of an excellent body. In 1983, the main part of the cathedral was equipped under a kind of concert hall. Therefore, having arrived in Polotsk and visiting the Sofia Cathedral, in addition to meeting his architecture and history, you can enjoy an unforgettable concert of organ music that sounds here daily on schedule.

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Coming out from the Sophia Cathedral, you can see a huge stone of pinkished color with an image carved on it. This is the so-called Borisov Stone - A unique monument of antiquity, found not far from Polotsk on the shores of Dvina and transported here in 1981. Until now, it is definitely not known to appoint such boulders, although the most common is the version that they have noted the trading routes. There is also a version that these huge stones were originally installed on pagan capital, and after the Christianization of the population of Belarusian lands received another meaning. After all, they remained the carved inscriptions with the appeal to the Most High: "Aux Lord Slave of His, Boris Ginvilov's Son ...". Be that as it may, it is one of the oldest monuments in Russia, which is of great interest. By touching his uneven surface, you feel some barely feeful feeling of the tide of strength and unity with the ancestors, that's also looking for protection and patronage from these giants.

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Going away from the Sophia Cathedral to Lenin Street, walking along the coast of Western Dvina, you can look at several architecture monuments located here. After all, it is on it. Lutheran Kirya Built from red brick at the turn of the 19-20th centuries (by the way, in the building of the Kirhi today is a local history museum). Here you can go to Epiphany Cathedral 18th century. If the time allows, it is necessary to look at the most interesting Museum of book printing , The entrance that is directly opposite the entrance to the temple.

Continuing his acquaintance with the city, you need to go to Square of Freedom where the monument elevated in 1850 in honor of the heroes of the war of 1812 is towers. The monument towers an interesting house, called the townspeople "home with ears" due to the unusual solution to his facade.

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Going into the courtyard, located for the "house with the ears", you can stumble upon another significant attraction of the city - buildings that belonged to the 16th century in Polotsk Jesuit collegium Transformed in 1812 to the Jesuit Academy and owned by the Polotsk State University in our day.

From the same area begins the avenue F. Scorina and walking along it a beautiful alley, walking in which, you can see the most significant and interesting monuments of Polotsk. This is I. Monument to the letter "ў" - That very, which is distinguished by the Belarusian alphabet from Russian and which is no longer in any other language. This is a memorable sculptural composition "Polotsk - Geographic Center of Europe" installed in the city after scientists have calculated that it is truly in the Polotsk district. The monument is a terrestrial hemisphere, which floats the ship - the symbol of the city. From four sides, you can see the direction of the directions of the Lights (as in the compass). In principle, it can be called the most popular modern attraction of the city, since it is near him that people who come to be photographed.

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Nearby are monuments on the outstanding natives of Polotsk - the Belarusian primary natives to Francis Skorin and the Grand Enlightener Simeon Polotsk. The most interesting sculptures of the city include a monument to the cryvicians - the Slavic tribe, founded Polotsk.

And of course imagine Polotsk without his heart - Spaso-Efrosinievsky Monastery , founded by Saint Efrosini Polotsk at the beginning of the 12th century. It was on his land that the Holy Polotsk Princess, and then the prisons rewritten the books, taught the children with a diploma and carried the light to people. It is here, in a small church, the Savior-Preobrazhensky temple, which has been preserved from 1161, was kept for a long time the shrine of the Belarusian people - Cross Efrosiny Polotsk, made by her order by Master Lazar Bog, and without a trace missing from Mogilev in the days of occupation during the Great Patriotic War. In addition to the Savior Preobrazhensky Temple, which is discovered for visiting on large holidays or by agreed for organized groups (you can see the vintage frescoes, paintings of the walls), you can go to the main majestic crossed Cathedral, built at the end of the 19th century in the neologantine style and stored Efrosiny Polotsk. I would like to say that this place is really special, impregnated with the spirit of the past and faithful. People are constantly coming here to make the holy relics, go through sanctified land and be alone with them.

You can talk about the sights of Polotsk for a long time. This is a really very interesting city, which preserved the charm of antiquity, comfort and a special atmosphere. Having been here, you will definitely want to return to see everything again with your own eyes. So at least happened to me.

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