Where to go in Xiamen and what to see?


Xiamen, located in the south-east of China, is not only one of the most beautiful cities of the Middle Kingdom, but also one of the most popular resorts of this region. Despite the fact that the port of the city is the largest in Taiwanese bay, he has the glory of one of the cleanest cities not only asia, but also around the world. There are a lot of parks, gardens, lakes and in general greens on the streets, while there are no production and plants. Moreover, motorcycles with internal combustion engines are prohibited in the city, all ride electric bikes, which are very popular among the population. There are machines, but they are presented to severe environmental requirements, and all who come to them from other regions of China should pay a special emission tax. But not only solely clean air and warm sea is famous for Xiamen. This is also a city in which there is where to go and what to see, both from a cognitive point of view and entertaining.

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Fortress Julishan.

The fortress with a total area of ​​more than 13 thousand square meters and is included in the top-thirty attractions of China. It was built in 1894, but in real combat actions it did not take part. A couple of times only from her guns shot through Japanese ships, no one was drowned, but scared. Interesting material from which it is made. This is a caftmor tree, sand, clay, and sugar syrup and sticky rice acts as a binder element. A hundreds of tourists come to the fort every day, both from abroad and from China, and that they would not be bored to inspect guns and walls, per day, per day, are performed.

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University and Museum of Xiamen.

These two architectural complex are more appropriate to consider one attraction, because although they are based a little at different times, but largely have the same path of development. It is noteworthy that in the folk spacious circulation, this complex is called the Museum of Chinese-emigrants, because it founded its most charismatic leader of Chinese emigrants of Ki together with other Chinese living outside the country. Construction began in 1956, and the discovery took place in 1959. And if the university is interesting only from an architectural point of view, then the museum will like many inquisitive tourists. The museum's exposition has more than seven thousand exhibits located on the territory of 2400 square meters, and the combined (excluding hall of anthropology) of the idea of ​​life, the struggle, cultural heritage and crafts of Chinese emigrants. By the way, most of the exhibits just consists of gifts and donations of the Chinese forced to be outside the homeland. Anthropological exposure includes more than 1000 samples of rare birds, animals and marine inhabitants.

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Nanputo temple (South Paton Temple).

The temple is huge in its size (more than 21 thousand square meters), located on the territory of 25.8 hectares built more than 10 centuries ago at the Tang dynasty. Consists of several halls and open areas, each of which has its own history and sacred meaning. The real day works, moreover, the oldest Buddhist University, founded in 1925, works in the temple. A great place in order to not just see the beauty and artifacts, but also to quietly wander around its territory, talk about eternal with monks.

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Gulangue Island.

A small island is a half kilometers from Xiamen, is a favorite destination for tourists. In the 19th century, a settlement for merchants from Europe and the United States was created on the island, which not only built it up, but also created. Among the dense forests, then there you can see buildings made in popular architectural styles as new light and old. A natural beach is enjoyed in great demand - East, open to everyone. Actually, the beach is two, but due to some reasons, Western closed from strangers and the entrance to it is available only to the military of the People's Liberation Army of China. In the center of the island there is a mountain of sunlight, rising to which you can see a beautiful panorama.

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It is here that there is a monumental statue of the liberator of the territories of South China and Taiwan Zheng Chengang. At the foot of the statue is equipped with an observation deck from where you can explore the whole waters of Xiamen.

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There is no transport on the island at all and all movement is carried out exclusively on foot.

And of course, Siamen himself, with his beaches and palm trees, with its large markets and seafood restaurants, thanks to which the city is considered to be a paradise for lovers of such a kind of kitchen, with his huge botanical garden (more than 7 hectares) and Friendly residents.

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