Where to stay in Pakbeng? Tips for tourists.


Accommodation in Pakbenga is usually very simple, while some cheap options leave much to be desired. Most guest houses are located on the main road of the city and on the road, which goes to the left of the pier and goes along the river. The view of the river is not the factor to which to rely during the selection of the guest house. And in general, how beautiful is your hotel, it is not worth thinking hard, as it is longer than a day, no one, as a rule, does not happen.

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Book a room. It is in a good hotel (and we can say that there are always two of them on the whole village here) in high season it is quite problematic, so you can often see tourists roam away from the hotel to the hotel in search of a free room. Tourists who carry out a cruise in Mekongu, travel agents can cook alone from the worst numbers in cities at high prices, so some prefer to look for a better option.

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It also happens that with the pier, your backpacks pick up local porters who silently lead their tourist to Gasthus, with the owner of which he has an agreement. True, it is very likely that the level of this guest house will be so-so, and often the tourists have no strength to swear or look for a better option. However, it is always possible to refuse, and at the same time the porter will wait, make sure that the guest house really does not fit - and now, you will not have time to come to your mind, how he will grab your little things again and drag them to another owner. And again, it is unlikely that the next housing will be a sorry. Naturally, for this help, the boy will ask for an excessive money - on which, if that, you can spend the night, so, it's easier to look at things for the pier and drag with them yourself (well, or not to greed) - and do not listen to my porters who will certainly tell that no fig you find! If anything, it is not difficult to detect the number in the Gasthaus to your taste, only if this is not the peak of the season and if it was not sailed at the Pakbeng simultaneously at once a hundred tourists without pre-found housing. The oldest and inexpensive options are looking for next to the main passenger jetter - on the hill. More expensive and new gesthouses are located left the main pier. You can try to bargain about the cost of living with the owners - tourists here in general are not very much, and any tourist is the most desirable guest on which you can at least a little, but earn.

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One of the most decent and, at the same time, inexpensive options - Vatsana Guesthouse. (on the signs also write Vassana and Vasana). It is located about 300 meters from the pier on the right side and is an old building with very simple rooms with shared bathrooms and a new attachment with more decent rooms with bathrooms, televisions and air conditioning. Wi-Fi is available throughout the guest house, and the owners are very friendly. Sometimes some tourists sluggishly complain about the noise from the restaurant across the road, although the restaurant closes around at 23:00, so that this gaps can wake only those who have to sleep early. A private bathroom and a fan can be booked for 150,000 boys, with air conditioning - for 200,000, and if the bathroom is common, just for 100,000 boiled.

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Luang Say Lodge. 1.3 km from the village is strikingly different from other accommodation options in the village. Tourists disperses the jaw when they come to the bungalow of this complex. Perhaps more "tasty" housing not to find in the district! But this is an option for wealthy travelers, and in general it was built for guests Luang Say Cruises, and the rooms are given primarily to them, but if there are free numbers, you can stay there. Bungalow with bamboo walls, colonial-style furniture made of teak wood, dark wooden floors, bed with romantic canopy (from mosquitoes, if that) and clean bathroom. Naturally, it is more expensive than the average: from 55-75 dollars a day, so there is no particular sense to stay here for one night, waiting for the ferry early in the morning - except if the money is not a pity at all.But in the low season, the price is an order of magnitude lower, so that you can snatch "yummy" cheaper. It is a pity that the vast majority of tourists will be able to enjoy these bungalows in the pitch darkness and early in the morning. By the way, the price includes a buffet, breakfast and transfer from the pier (about the arrival you need to warn in advance). If you are going to stop at the hotel more than one night, pay attention to the fact that the restaurant does not work during the day, and dinner will have to dinner in the city.

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Decent option with lower prices - Mekong Riverside Lodge. . It is a few bamboo bungalows near the river bank - strong, simple, with soft beds with snow-white bedding, dimly lit bathrooms and, most importantly, with magnificent balconies. For those, stops in Pakbeng for just one night, this hotel may not be too logical choice, because you probably miss the best spectacle, namely, sunset. But the swimming elephants at about 6:30 am are interesting! The only minus of the hotel is that bamboo walls do not provide any sound insulation. But the price of breakfast is included in the price (from 50 dollars).

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A much cheaper option - Pak Beng Guesthouse. . This budget hotel is located first to the left as soon as you raise the hill from the pier. And this is a good choice, despite its simple Vidos. Do not scare a dark lobby - the rooms above the top is much more pleasant. Paul in some rooms are tiled, in some - wooden floors, and even everywhere hard beds, while the bathrooms have seen views. In addition to bed in the room there is a bedside table and free Wi-Fi. As well as Dockhoun Guesthouse. This hotel offers the cheapest rooms with a private bathroom in the city: from 100,000 Kip per day.

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And you can consider PHONEMANY GUESTHOUSE. . It is impossible to skip this guest house: it is highlighted by a bright green facade with a bright lilac finish. This two-story building is suitable for those who are used to living in new clean hotels, and in no way. True, despite the colorful appearance, the rooms in the guest house are simple, although with relatively high ceilings, tiled floors and a modern bathroom. The only drawback may be that the restaurant on the first floor is quite popular among tourists, although it closes after 22:00, and it turns out exactly.

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