Where can I eat in Pakbenge? How much money to take money?


Restaurants and cafes in this village vary with low and medium prices. However, there are not so many such institutions here, but here are still trying to please all the backpackers with their long menus with fried rice, fried noodles, rolls, steaks and fries. But that's nice: the restaurants of the village copy the menu from each other, down to photographs and spelling errors (which is especially funny): the power supply in Pakbeng has improved over the past few years: since in the town a small number of restaurants and increasing competition, especially within Group turbines, a certain impetus occurs for the production of better food and dishes. Despite the fact that tourists are unlikely to return to Pakbeng the second time (because there is nothing to do here, and the second time in a cruise on the river I do not want to go).

Where can I eat in Pakbenge? How much money to take money? 57367_1

"Ounhoan Restaurant" - A very lively place with long wooden tables, music, friendly staff and a little festive atmosphere. It serves Lao and Thai cuisine, for example, soups and curry for 35,000 kip, as well as the usual rolls and steaks. By the way, despite the fact that the restaurant is often visited simultaneously several large groups of tourists, and it seems that the restaurant simply cracks on the seams, you still don't have to wait for tourists too long when I bring food. There is a restaurant opposite the PhoneMany Guesthouse (and in the restaurant at the same time the guest house also has a lot of people). A large sign with the menu is the same here as in other restaurants in the city, but still a restaurant for some reason attracts most tourists. Maybe all the manitis of his neon facade or screaming sign "Taxi Pizza" in front.

"DP Restaurant" Opened in February 2015. This is the most "western" eatery in the city, with beautiful signs, well-lit rooms and even sockets in the walls, so that tourists can charge their devices. In this place there is no that very atmosphere as in other institutions of the city, and the menu here is shorter and focused on the Western kitchen, and not on the mix of Asian dishes. The main dishes are here from 25,000 boiled.

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Still in the city there Two Indian restaurants , one good and one so-so. The restaurant on the main street in the city center is much more popular, but the food is not the best there, although it is possible to eat, of course, you can. The best Indian cuisine restaurant is within walking distance of the pier, across the road from Mekong Riverside Lodge. Here B. "Kopchai DEU" It offers something much more similar to genuine Indian food. Often the guests of the town are lured inside the free bottle of Lao Lao (rice whiskey).

There are several bakeries in the city, which sells such delights, like bagels and baguettes, but in reality a bagel is a simple bun (for both Hamburger), and Baguettes are Asian buns for hotdogs. But still, to many of these places early in the morning you can see the lively crowds of tourists who are purchased by provisions before the upcoming river trip. So, among these bakeries will allocate "Monesavan Bakery" - She is perhaps the best. Bakery is located directly opposite the guest house of the eponymous, close to the pier. Tourists The restaurant seduces an attractive choice of fragrant fresh bakery deals and sweets, including a banana cake with nutpit: a decent lunch during alloy. By the way, capping there is also a good, because, apparently, they have the right coffee machine.

Worthy Nudle-Soup (that is, with noodles) you can find In the street eatery diagonal from DonevilaSuk Guesthouse . Here you put a big bowl of soup, seasoned with fresh herbs and greens. Tell me "Bo Si-Sin", if you want soup without meat, but if that, most likely, there will be a choice of pork, chicken or buffalo meat.

Can be asked in advance so that your hotel or guest house gives you a parked lunch for the next morning (if there is such a service, of course), but you can wait for the next morning and stroll around the city, in order to independently buy products or ready-made sandwiches in kiosks competing with each other for Customers - prices are better here, and the choice is more.

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