Rest in Laos: pros and cons. Should I go to Laos?


Compared to the most part of its neighbors (Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and China), Laos for most travelers is an unknown and little-known land, in any case. And this is still due to the fact that the popularity of this country, even if not rapid pace, but still grows. In part, this growth can be explained by the fact that over the past ten years, the popularity of Southeast Asia, as a place for recreation has grown extremely, and as a result, the people began to pull on even greater exotic, under which Laos gets like it is better. But here's a clear answer to the question: go or not go to Laos? - Unfortunately no. Everyone must decide for itself by weighing all the pros and cons who are slightly lower.

Rest in Laos: pros and cons. Should I go to Laos? 57313_1


- Unique virgin nature, practically not spoiled by a person, even though agriculture is the main segment of the country's economy. Thresholds on Mekong, numerous caves in albeit low mountains that all the territory of the country, waterfalls and of course dense forests and the jungle are saturated. In essence, it is nature and a rich animal world that are the main attractions of Laos.

- phlegmatic and surprisingly calm course of life. At times, it seems that time here simply stops. It feels absolutely in everything. By the way, maybe therefore, and possibly no, the deception of tourists here is rare, unlike Thailand or Vietnam.

Rest in Laos: pros and cons. Should I go to Laos? 57313_2

"In the" kingdom of millions of elephants ", as else, Laos is called a huge number of Buddhist temples, most of which are located in the ancient capital of the country and its surroundings - Luang Prabang. And let them not so majestic as the Cambodian Temple Complex Angkor, still look at them to look at them, as well as to buy original souvenirs from artisans and artists, which work almost near every religious structure.

Rest in Laos: pros and cons. Should I go to Laos? 57313_3

- Good opportunity for outdoor activities. Here you will probably enjoy lovers of rafting, speleology, Mountains and other extreme types of rest.

- The benevolence of local residents in relation to tourists. No grinds that happened to this small country throughout the 20th century did not spoil Laos's citizens. A large number of travelers who were in Laos are the most vivid impression called the amazing positive of the local population.

- visa-free regime with Russia. For stays in Laos, up to 15 days to tourists from Russia is not required.


- Laos is a very poor country, and in international rankings measuring the standard of living it is almost at the very end of the list. About a third of the population lives below the poverty level, that is, actually in poverty. But what is the most amazing, prices in Laos are higher than in Thailand or Vietnam. A reasonable explanation for this fact, I never found.

Rest in Laos: pros and cons. Should I go to Laos? 57313_4

- Malaria. This disease is the main scourge of Laos. And if in the metropolitan region, thin poor, but they cope with this problem, then in other areas this disease is a very serious problem, along with other infectious diseases. Before visiting this small country, it is mandatory to vaccinate from a number of diseases, and the vaccination does not give 100% warranty.

- lack of access to the sea. This is perhaps the most important minus. The hot and wet climate and the lack of a beach holiday, is the main reason that scares a large number of people who want to come here. In the south of Laos, there are certainly river beaches on Mekong, but it's still not entirely.

Rest in Laos: pros and cons. Should I go to Laos? 57313_5

Summing up, you can draw the following conclusion:

Laos is insanely an interesting country, it's worth going here, but not everyone. First of all, it makes sense to come to "famous" to tourists who have already studied neighboring countries to supplement their impression of this region of the planet. In the second, the recommendations are present for lovers of extreme tourism. But the rest of lovers of new countries and impressions, it is better to wait. At least until the time when the tourism infrastructure in Laos will be released on a more or less sane service level. However, judging by the melancholic flow of life in this country, it will not happen soon.

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