What should I see in Tianjin?


Tianjin is on the coast of Bohawan Bay, one hundred and eighty kilometers south-east of the capital of the state. Together with District Tianjin is a separate administrative unit with central subordination. This is one of the main financial centers of the country.

Antique market

One of the brightest urban dicks is an antique market. It is located in the central part of the city, on Shenyangdao Street. If the tourist who visited this place is not an amateur of antique things, he will still be amazed by the wealth of the choice of goods and the scale of this market. Most of what is for sale here is the confiscate of the period of the cultural revolution, brought from all over the country, which lay on urban warehouses until today. Here on the subjects of antiquities even there are stickers, where the date of seizures and the former owner are indicated.

Street ancient culture

Another curious place in Tianjin is an ancient culture street. Those who have built it committed an attempt to recreate the historic appearance of the city in the Middle Kingdom. In addition to loving buildings in a traditional architecture, tourists here can see many different "cultural" goods - both Chinese manuscripts, watercolors and paintings and modern musical CDs. Here is located Tears Tianhou. Tianhou Gong (Tianhou Gong), which was erected in the year 1326.

Street of ancient culture:

What should I see in Tianjin? 5731_1

Tianhow Temple:

What should I see in Tianjin? 5731_2

In another quarter next door to the street of ancient culture is Temple of Confucius which was built during the reign of the Ming dynasty, in 1463 - m. Tianjin himself is a city - a monument of the European architectural style of the period of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. If you go a little further, you will see examples of the architecture of Italian, Victorian, German and French styles.

Folklore Museum in Tianjin

Folklore Museum in Tianjin is in Palace Empress which was built in a distant 1326th. Husband is located on the territory of five thousand square meters. Meters and is already in itself - a landmark that does not have prices.

The Folklore Museum in Tianjin was founded in order to study the local traditions and customs. It consists of three thematic exhibitions, which give tourists to get acquainted with those or other periods of the history of the city.

The first of the exhibitions is devoted to the history of educational development in Tianjin. The second visual way introduces the visitors to the museum with the nravami and customs of the local population. The third is devoted to problems in Tianjin, as well as urban patroness.

The Folklore Museum is open from 9:00 to 17:00.

Gouloot Street in Tianjin

In the central part of the ancient city of Tianjin, it is the most interesting place that makes it possible to fully understand the atmosphere of the ancient consecient. This, of course, is a pedestrian street Gouloot. Many of the buildings located here were built even in the era of the Board of the Qing Dynasties and Min.

Nowadays, Goulou Street is a developed area of ​​trade and tourism. This street contains a large number of small outlets, shops, restaurants and entertainment centers. Do not forget to try delicacies that are preparing local culinary on this street.

During a visit to this street, you can buy souvenirs - products from local craftsmen, such as various figures, calligraphy and others. The center of this street is an ancient bell tower. Next to it are located the theater and the arches of the Qing Dynasty period.


One of the main urban attractions can also be called TV Tianjin TV, with which visitors have the opportunity to enjoy wonderful landscapes of Tianjin's districts. This high building is located on the south-west of the city, namely on Dianish Street.

This television has 368 meters of height. It was erected in 1991 and this year - one of the highest buildings of this type in the Asian region. The project for its construction was worth the inhabitants of China forty-five million dollars. The "highlight" of this urban attraction is also the fact that water from four sides surrounds water.

The observation deck is located on the 253th floor of the building, the first restaurants are located, a room for conferences and shops.

Telbashnya in Tianjin:

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Five Avenue

Behind the Liberation Bridge, which was erected by the French in 1903 - m, there is a quarter, which consists of five broad streets that form a rectangle who received the name "five Avenue".

In this place there are two hundred thirty buildings, erected according to the English, French and Italian architectural styles. In the desire to come up with another - the new style of the master was looking for tips in those who were previously known. Here you can see excellent buildings, with the construction of which gothic styles, Barochko, Renaissance were used, as well as others in themselves and in themselves. The main idea that all unites them is rationalism, practicality and efficiency. It can be seen everywhere - both in the planning, and in the material, artistic design and design features. The buildings have a square or rectangular shape, the windows in them, mostly arched or rectangular. In many houses there are shutters. These all details, of course, are radically distinguished by these buildings from classic Chinese buildings.

In the previous times, the "Five Avenue" district was a place for intrigue and political disputes, the residences were located here the most important political and military leaders. The quarter has more than three hundred different buildings and residential buildings belonging to the famous personalities that were erected from 1920s to the 1930s. Here, people like the presidents of the Republic of China - Cao Kun and Xu Shchachung, many prime ministers, celebrities and important foreign guests lived here.

Nowadays, new buildings are erected in the "five Avenue" area, which also correspond to the European style - in order not to damage the architectural integrity and the appearance of this urban area. "Five Avenue" and today is one of the most important remarkable places in Tianjin, so here and now they love to stroll guests of the city.

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