Excursions in Venice: What to see?


In Venice, there are many interesting places remote from the city center. Therefore, if you have more time than one day, be sure to take several excursions that will help more fully know this magnificent city.

You can start by S. Galleries Academy . Because it is most closely close to the city center. The Gallery of the Academy is the most famous Art Museum of Venice, in which one of the largest collections of paintings in the world is displayed on visits to visitors. Of particular interest are the paintings of the work of Venetian artists, for them all floor is highlighted. The entire collection of the gallery is built in chronological order, but it happens that thematic shows are conducted.

Of interest is also of interest Museum of Correra . This building was built during Napoleon at the beginning of the XIX century. Then Venice entered the kingdom of Italy, and Steyo Napoleon (forgot the name) was then the governor of the king. He decided to build a beautiful palace for himself. A venetian painter Giuseppe Borsato, who reproduced everything in a typical Italian style was invited to decorate the interior. The Correra Museum takes its name from the collector of the works of the art of Theodoro Correra, who was a member of the Venetian aristocracy family. This collection has both based on the museum's exposure.

Special attention deserves Venetian Arsenal ARSENALE DI VENEZIA). It was built as a comprehensive enterprise for the construction and equipment of warships, which were necessary for crusades, in which the Venice Republic participated. Also, the arsenal was used as a naval warehouse: in the territory there were warehouses of hemps, a scaffolding and various weapons. At the same time, up to 20 gallers could be built on shipyards. Arsenal had two entrances: for workers on land, the second entrance is marine for ships. As you can understand, this complex in those days played a leading role in the prosperous power. According to historical assumptions (but not fact), starting from the VIII century, the shipyard was built in Venice, which was then a lot in the city. However, at the beginning of the XII century, most of these shipyards were recognized as unsafe, after which in 1104 the construction of a single centralized arsenal began, which was preserved to the present day. Now, of course, everything looks not as in the old days. But the construction of the construction nevertheless saved. And is one of the most important and interesting places in modern Venice.

To understand how difficult it is to find the Venetian arsenal independently, just look at the map. Therefore, I recommend to take exactly the excursion there to avoid difficulties in the search. But this is a personal matter ...

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Lovers of history and acute sensations strongly recommend visiting the cemetery on "Island of the Dead" San Michele . To get there, go to the Pier "Fondamente Nuove". To the pier it is more convenient to reach the Church "Sampo Dei Santiapostoli" (located in the center of the city). From her, go past the "GeSuitti" church before the waterfront, then roll right and get straight to the desired pier. All the way will take about 10 minutes. Further buy a ticket at the box office and sit on any of the river trams that go to the island of Murano or Burano, go out on the island of San Michele. The island is already easy to navigate the terrain. When you come to the cemetery, take the diagram from the gatekeeper near the church. This scheme marked the graves of famous people, including well-known Russian people. The Republic of Reparto Greco rests Stravinsky and Dyagilev, and Brodsky was buried on Reparto Evangelico.

Well, how can I imagine Venice without the world-famous Islands of Murano and Burano?

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Tourists have the greatest popularity, of course, Murano Island . Historically, it was so that it is here that the Muranian glass famous for the whole world is produced, which is still called Venetian. And not just glass, and the most excellent products from it, which are real works of art. Murangian glass windows during many centuries guarded the secrets of their skill, so this area still represents a city in the city: there are all the necessary buildings: palaces, churches, hotels, etc. But the most visited place still remains the glass museum (it is recommended to view - very interesting). You can see the entire process of transformation of the block of stained glass into the present "miracle." Also in souvenir shops Murano, according to local residents, you can buy products from the real Muranian glass. Although they for some reason are much more expensive. In the souvenir shops of other areas of Venice (but not in the center), it is easy to find the same products, but at a significantly lower price.

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For contrast, take an excursion to another Island of Venice - Burano Island . There are no attractions such as those at all. There is only a church of San Martino with a high inclined bell tower. And there is no clean air and a magnificent atmosphere, which Burano is obliged to bright multicolored facades of their homes. Add a small number of tourists to this, and you will receive a full relax. Oh yes. You can visit the Lace Museum (for lovers).

Unfortunately, Venice is a dying city. Every year it gradually, but more and more immersed under the water. This means only one thing. And this hour is not far away when Venice can disappear from the world map at all. Of course, this will happen in a year or two, but still. Therefore, time to visit this amazing place you still have.

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