What is worth viewing in Baracoa? The most interesting places.


Baracoa is a city that has very important historical importance for all Cuba. The thing is that it was here that was founded by the Spaniards, the first settlement on this island. With this fact, it is impossible not to be considered. Arriving here, we immediately felt that every local resident is a proud citizen of his settlement. This I'm kidding, of course, but really understand how the locals love their city, when you add to them with a request to show one or another landmark. In such moments, the eyes of the residents of Baracoa begin to flicker a special light, which is necessarily worth seeing with their own eyes, as well as the sights of the city, which I will write to you just below.

Agricultural market Baracoa . Do you know what I liked this market? The fact that there are no imported vegetables and fruits here, or rather, I just did not see such here. The market itself, the most common, slightly shabby, and in places even and very shabby, the atmosphere reigns the brisk, as it applies to the market atmosphere. Sellers with a big hunt traded, because all the goods they have local, fresh, which means perishing. On the market you can buy such exotic fruits for us like Guava, Maraca, Papaya, Guayab, Albarkok and Guanabana. There are here and familiar to our eye and ear names - pineapples, bananas and oranges. In a word that all this is to understand, it's just necessary to try it all, just before using unfamiliar fruits, I advise you to ask how actually they can be used in what form.

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Municipal Museum in Baracoa . The museum is comfortable in the building of the ancient fort, which was built in one thousand eight hundred in the second year. The museum itself is very small, but here is a collection that is exhibited in it has a huge cultural and historical value. The main purpose of the museum's exposition is to familiarize visitors with the history of the most ancient colonial settlement on the island of Cuba. I personally liked the building itself, in which the museum is located, rather than the proposed exposition. But this is a purely personal opinion, as I understand that Cubans will really value with their heritage and for them this museum is very important and high value.

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The Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin in Barako . This cathedral was built on the spot where the ancient abode was once located. Although ... since the reign of the first island governor of Diego Velasquez, there are exclusively cathedrals in this very place. The largest value that is located in the walls of the cathedral is the cross from the vine. According to legend, this cross was installed in one thousand four hundred and ninety-year second year, Christofor himself by Columbus on the shore of Baraco. At the moment, the Cathedral is closed because it came to such a fortune that requires complete reconstruction and capital restoration. Those who wish to see the famous cross can go to the neighboring Cathedral building, which is an extreme house on Antoni Masseo Street.

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Archaeological Museum of Baracoa . The highlight of this museum is that it is not in the usual building for us, but in a cave. The exposition of the museum is no less extravagant than the location of the museum, since as exhibits, here you can see parts of the skeletons from the cave Taino. In addition to the parts of the skeletons, here you can see the fragments of ancient ceramic dishes, jewelry, petroglyphs and an unique sculpture of idol. In total, the collection of the museum includes about one thousand exhibits, so you will probably not have to miss you here.

Tobacco factory Manuel Fuente . To visit Cuba, and not see how famous cigars do, it's like to come to Moscow and not to visit the Red Square. In general, in Cuba, in almost every settlement, there is a tobacco factory. This is what I say to what you may be in some other Cuban city. The tobacco factory in Baracoa, quite a small and its entire working team consists of a maximum of twenty-five workers.

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It's easy to find it, because it is not far from the central square of the city. Be sure to look at how cigars make, even if you are not smoking person. It is very interesting!

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