What to take with you in Dominican?


Dominican - Country is quite exotic, so many tourists who are first sent there to rest, the question arises - what to take with you to rest in Dominican Republic? What can I buy on the spot, and without which you can safely do?

I suggest everyone who chose this hospitable country for your holiday, familiarize yourself with the following information.

Clothes and shoes

Most of the tourists choose the Dominican Republic for a beach holiday - after all, there are a huge number of clean beaches in the country, and you can swim there almost all year round. Those who are going to devote most of the rest to the beach and the sea, it is worth take with them as many light things as possible - women and girls should take more light dresses, sundresses, skirts and topics, men - light T-shirts and shorts. In Dominican, there are no restrictions in clothes - you can wear everything that your soul, the only thing - on the beach is not taken to sunbathe topless, otherwise you are free to choose any clothes. In Dominican, high humidity, during the night a swimsuit may not dry, so I would recommend to take with you several sets of swimsuits and smelters. Be sure to take a headdress with you, because Dominican is located near the equator, which means the sun here is very active (especially during the day). Also required sunscreen or lotion, it is better to take a means with a high factor of protection - we took 50 and not burned. It would be nice to take with you and the means after the tanning - in the sun, the skin is very dry, so it needs moisturizing.

I would not recommend taking very elegant and festive clothes with you - you will have nowhere to wear it. There are entertainment shows and discos, but almost all tourists are dressed very simple - no one wears evening dresses and heels, so the girls look in the dominica in the dominica.

For the same reason, I would not advise you to take a large number of decorative cosmetics in Dominican - it makes no sense to paint on the beach, and your evening makeup made in all the rules, no one will especially appreciate.

In Dominican Republic, it is better not to take expensive jewelry - first, they are nowhere to wear, secondly, they can steal them. At the hotel, all valuable things should be removed into the safe if it is not - you risks lose your jewels.

Those who are going to attend excursions, it's worth taking a light, but comfortable shoes - some strong sandals on a flat sole or even light sneakers - if you go on a tour to waterfalls or in some kind of reserve, you will be difficult to move in the open shoes.

Warm things should take with them only if you are going to the Dominican Republic to the Neson - at this time there, indeed, rains, wind and cool weather (about 18-20 degrees) are possible.

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Aid kit

Going to rest, it is also worth thinking about medicines. If you stayed in a beach hotel, then you will be somewhat difficult to get to the nearest pharmacy (they are far from every step), so it is best to take all the necessary medicines with you. First of all, it is worth putting a remedy for insects in the first aid kit - in Dominican Republic, unfortunately, there are mosquitoes and mosters. Secondly, the first-aid kit must be a medicine from the stomach disorder - although food there is fresh and tasty, your stomach can simply respond to the diet unusual for him - in Dominican, you will be offered a huge amount of fruit (this is like apples, oranges and bananas for us So and quite exotic mango, papaya and maracuy and other local fruits), fresh juices and fish with seafood. Thirdly, in the hotel, under the air conditioning, you can catch a cold, so do not forget the medium tools. And finally, in the first-aid kit it is worth leaving the place for the plasters, bandages and iodine - can happen anything. Iodine and the greenstock is most convenient to take any bottles, but in the form of a marker - so it will not be guaranteed.

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The electrical network in the Dominican Republic differs from the Russian, it complies with North America standards - that is, such countries as the USA and Canada - voltage in the network 110 V, frequency - 60 Hz, and the sockets are made under plugs with flat pins. You can buy an adapter in advance, in the electronics store, as well as buy it in a local supermarket (it will cost you a couple of dollars). On the territory of the hotel, the adapter can be leased.

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Towels, Feng

The hotel provides a tour of the towels, the truth is the hotel towels to take with them to the beach can not be. In large hotels, special beach towels will be leased - once a week you can change them to new ones. If your hotel does not have such a service, you can easily buy a towel in any nearest supermarket.

Regarding the hair dryer - in large hotels 4 and 5 stars of hair dryers, there may not be in cheaper hotels, so if you do not have the opportunity to clarify the availability of a hair dryer in the room, you can take a small folding hairdryer.


If you are going to relax exclusively on site and ride only for organized excursions, then no documents other than insurance and passports will be needed. Documents are better not to carry with you, but to store in a safe. On the streets do not check the documents. If you look very young and want to go to a disco or in a bar, take a photocopy of a passport or any document where your date of birth will be indicated, and your photo will be. If you are going to rent a car in Dominican Republic, you will need international sample rights.

Vacation with children

If you are going to rest with a small child, then you should take a carriage with you for him - in the Dominican Republic you can not take a stroller for rent, the locals do not use them at all, mostly preferring to wear children in their arms. Children's nutrition and diapers in supermarkets, of course, there is, however, not all manufacturers who are in Russia are presented there. If your child prefers a certain nutritional brand - it is better to take it with you, and if he eats any children's food - you can not worry about this and buy it on the spot.

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