Is it worth going to Seville?


Seville is the fourth in the number of residents of the city of Spain, inferior only to Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia. Seville has a rich history, because the first settlement was founded here even before our era, so, of course, in the city there is something to see.

In Seville, it is worth riding those who are interested in sights and museums, the benefit there is a huge amount. Below I will give a brief overview of the main seats of Seville, which deserve your attention.


Old city

This is the most ancient part of Seville, on which you can walk, admiring the old houses. Many of the preserved homes were built in the era of the Middle Ages

Seville Cathedral

This is the largest Gothic Cathedral on the territory of all Spain. First, you can admire the cathedral itself, secondly, inside the pictures of such famous masters, like Velasquez, Goya and Murillo. The Cathedral complex also includes a tower called Hiralda, which offers a magnificent view of the whole Seville.


Alcazar is a palace complex, which began to build Arabs, and finished the Spaniards. It is one of the most well-preserved monuments of architectural style Mudjar (Weaving Mauritanian and Gothic Style). At the moment, Alcazar is the official Residence of the Royal Family for the period of their stay in Seville.

Archaeological Museum

One of the largest archaeological museums of Spain, and all of Europe is located in Seville. The museum collection includes both exhibits relating to the prehistoric era and monuments of later periods.

Museum of Fine Arts

It is in this museum that an outstanding collection of the Spanish painting of the Middle Ages is collected -

There are artists such as Murillo, Velasquez, Surbaran, Lucas Senior cranes, El Greco. In addition, the museum collection includes the web 18, 19 and 20th centuries.

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Entertainment for youth.

In addition, Seville is not bad for lovers of various entertainment. She will probably have to taste youth that loves stormy nightlife - there are quite a few bars, among them both traditionally Spanish establishments that offer Sangria, snacks tapas and national Spanish cuisine and Irish, English pubs, as well as beer bars. In addition, in Seville there are a number of nightclubs - among them both clubs in which Flamenco, and more modern places that play House, techno and other electronic music are playing. In some clubs, such as, in Sala Boss, non-alcoholic parties for adolescents under 18 years old. The most famous clubs of the city are in the center. This is Birdie, Sala Boss and B3 Sevilla.

For the part of young people who love extreme rest, as it is impossible to fit the amusement park, which is located on the outskirts of the city and is called Isla Magica. There are both ordinary attractions, such as American slides, free fall and other, and water rides (those where water splashes).

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Entertainment for all

It is in Seville that the museum of Flamenko, which is entirely devoted to this dance, which is fully dedicated to this dance - there you can learn both about his origin and about its development. In addition, in the museum you can visit Flamenco Courses, learn to play guitar and drums and sing. If you do not want to learn, but you just want to visit the audience, then you will be useful to know that every evening there is a clock show Flamenco, where you can enjoy dancers, and listen to live music.

At the fleet of attractions, there are also so-called family attractions that are suitable for those who do not like extreme. Basically, these are rides type of carousels and low slides.

Next to the amusement park is located and a small water park, which is not better suitable for family holidays - there are no scary slides, most of them are designed for lovers of a relaxing holiday - there is also a swimming pool where you can swim, and lazy river (it can be saved on it Circle, enjoying the scenery surrounding you), and jacuzzi.

In Seville, there are many shopping centers and shops, where you can buy both inexpensive clothes and exclusive things. Prices on clothes are more profitable than in Russia, it is especially true of branded things - first, the price itself is lower, and secondly, when traveling from the country, you can get tax-free tax, so purchasing expensive things in Spain , You can safely save. Prices for the mean price category are not so different, but you can buy very interesting things that are not sold in our country.

Entertainment for children

Seville, like many other Spanish cities, is quite suitable for recreation with children. There are many kindergarten in the city that are very well equipped for children from 3 to 10 years - there children can ride a swing, ride off the slides and climb in the children's town. The entrance to them is absolutely free. The Spaniards love children very much, and therefore almost any cafe will give you a children's menu and bring a children's chair.

For children in Seville there are entertainment - first, it is a water park, where there is a special children's town with small floors and a shallow pool, secondly, amusement park, where there are rides for children from 3 to 10-12 years.

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Thus, from all of the foregoing, it can be concluded that Seville is suitable for sightseeing rest, cultural and history lovers will be able to inspect the ancient churches, take a walk through the narrow old streets, visit the Archaeological Museum and the Museum of Fine Arts, and also to visit the Royal Palace. Young people who love clubs and bars will also find something to do in Seville - the benefit there is from what to choose. In addition, there is a good shopping. In Seville, you can learn dancing, vocals, as well as tighten your Spanish - there are many language courses in the city for foreigners, which are designed for both short-term stay and for a long study of the language. Also Seville is suitable for recreation with children. Perhaps the only thing that cannot be done in Seville is to buy in the sea, because the city is quite far from the coast (about 120 kilometers).

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