Is it worth going with children on vacation in Skadovsk?


The city of Skadovsk, the ancient name Ali Agok, which translates from Tatar means like a quiet marina is a wonderful seaside resort in the Kherson region. The city is located off the coast of the Jarylgach Gulf, the bay itself is so wide and is huge that the ingestion does not understand the sea in any way, or only the bay himself, where neither throw a look, the shores are not visible, but only blue, water. Sea water falling into the bay, low-modular, is not subject to constant shift. Therefore, accumulates a huge amount (in percentage ratio) of salt and iodine, which is much more than in the open sea. Due to what, Skadovsk from a simple seaside resort smoothly turned into a wellness and medical vacation. It is very beneficially influenced by the increased salt and iodine in the sea water of the bay on the human body. And thanks to the mecot in the bay and a common descent, this resort was very famous for married couples with children.

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The magnificent subtropical climate, the mass of the greenery of the surrounding city and the healing moskoy the air saturated with ozone, bromine and iodine attract here every year more and more travelers.

Infrastructure in the city - the resort is wide and diverse. This is concerned and housing stock. There is a huge number of both public and private pensions, there are children's camps, children's recreation centers, boarding houses. The pricing policy is very diverse. But it is quite available for the average manual. Of course, it is worth saying that people are not forgotten with high (even very high) sufficient. In the center, right in the coastal lane is a chic hotel. All windows of which are addressed to the marine surface. The price is here for the room, per day it reaches 1500 UAH. I can not even imagine how comforting "hide" there holidays for such fabulous money. But do not essence. Demand gives birth offers.

For no longer pending holidaymakers, for which rest and recovery is more important than the availability of air conditioning in the room, in the city an unlimited market of housing stock. From the quite budget private sector with its 8-10 US dollars for normal conditions

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Or private pensions, which, although a little more expensive, but the terms of living is better. So that Skadovsk can be attributed to an inexpensive, budget resort.

Beaches in Skadovsk sandy, with small intestinal intestinal. City Beach, he is public, surprisingly clean and well-groomed. The only minus is that except fungi no longer have any free amenities.

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The rest of the services are provided only for an additional fee (rental of sun beds, umbrellas). The beach is large enough, broadcasts everyone, the main category of which is family pairs with children. This is a real family resort. And all thanks to a very common descent into the sea (i.e., the sea bay). As mentioned above, thanks to its geographical position, the bay is small. Even an adult person to get to the relative depth (at least on the belt), you must pass 50 meters.

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Accordingly, the water in the bay is not just a warm, but incredibly warm. Meaning with bathing of young children in the bathroom. Children splash in marine water from the morning, almost unable. Such a state of affairs is very similar to the recognized children's resort of Stroll. The same safe and comfortable bathing for children.

And who does not want to splash out "in the frog" - as the bay itself is called local residents, there is an opportunity to visit Geralgach Island on the boat. This is where the real sea. Deep and with steep drops in depth. With little kids, it is better to stay in Skadovsk, go to the "frog". So much safer. And adults are rapidly there. The disadvantage is that prices to the cafe on the island are inadequately overestimated both on food and alcohol. Even comparing Skadovsk with the price tag, they are increased by half - two times.

I would like to warn the upcoming potential holidaymakers Skadovsk. The beginning of August of the month is fraught with the invasion of bluish, quite large jellyfish.

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These slippery, shore creatures appear a great set. And if adults are still swimming, then small kids are afraid. The best holiday in June. Water is already a great fundamental, and the people on the beach are still very few. The most peak begins at the end of June, in early July of the month. Beaches are clogged under the eye, but as it is not strange all the same place is enough for everyone.

Like everywhere on the beaches of all resort cities and the villages of the south, sellers are roaming various "yummy". But "yummy" is different. Everything is worn, not only familiar shrimps, corn and fish. I especially want to pay attention to the boiled Black Sea crabs. Under beer - the most.

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But you need to take from the morning. Krabics enjoy special demand among holidaymakers and they quickly disassemble them. But I advise you to buy in a cafe, you should not buy on the beach. There were precedents. People were withdrawn by the "delicious Pakhlav" and "the freshest shrimps." The benefit of the cafe and bars at the bay line is simply not reading. Neither here can be decently saved on nutrition, if you eat in the city and not at the beach. In the city, similar food is much lower in price, and sometimes more and more tastier prepared.

Entertainment in Skadovsk Mass, wagon and small trolley. The most expensive hotel on the coast attached the Night Club "Ozone".

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Music in it does not shut down. Ridge all over the beach. With the onset of the evening, the crowds of young people are going to his doors. Wishing to have fun and dance at least debugs. Here are foam parties, and quite decent music programs. And who do not want to jump on the dance floor, they can have a good time right there, in small cafes and bars on the beach. Some of them play live music, and prices are quite adequate.

For children, the same mass of entertainment, both on the beach and outside it. What is only a children's amusement park.

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There is everything for children. Visiting the park will break a big hole in your resort budget.

Beach entertainment is also enough, even sometimes bust. It all depends on what beach you sunbathe. The most huge number of these entertainment on the children's beach.

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Some slides are completely free and therefore enjoy the greatest demand. And since both at any resort. Bananas, parachutes, tablets, catamarans, scooters. Full range of entertainment, beach industry.

By the way, in Skadovsk there is your own dolphinarium, water park.

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You and your kids will not be bored.

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