Rest in Evpatoria: tourist reviews


In the Crimea, we went to rest repeatedly, but I didn't have any time in Evpatoria.

We decided to correct the situation in August 2017, gathering quickly, went to rest.

The weather is favorable, you can swim as much as you like, sunbathing and just take air baths.

Vacationers on the beach was more than enough, mostly families or companies. It is important that everything is on a positive, kids are singing, splashing, life is boil.

Rest in Evpatoria: tourist reviews 56551_1

In the private sector, do not like to settle, much better hotels. There was no complaints about the service, the design of the hotel is modern, everything is taken into account.

Rest in Evpatoria: tourist reviews 56551_2

The time on the beach was quickly rushed on a banana, the service cost 300 rubles, the husband dared to be fused on an aquatic motorcycle for 700 rubles. The beach soon bored, took up excursions.

We went to Dolphinarium, wonderful animals paid 2000 for two.

Visited the water park, the cost of entertainment is 2800 rubles, got a lot of pleasure.

Impressed sightseeing tour - 400 rubles from the client. The Golden Ring cost us 2200 for two. Came to the Cathedral of St. Nicholas, the service was not, they simply attached to icons. Especially liked the Evpatoria Park of Crimea in a miniature, an unforgettable spectacle, you feel a Gulliver. We went to the gallery, nice to dream, looking at the paintings, silence and grace. The local history museum is ordinary, but you can walk and consider the past of the edge. On the beach purely, all the amenities, you can buy ice cream or water to ... read completely

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