Rest in Janka: pros and cons. Is it worth going to janka?


The Crimean Peninsula simply amazes with wealth and natural beauty, and man-made creatures - parks, castles on the sea coast, urban architecture, etc. And, of course, tourists around the world seek this wonderful beach holiday in this elegant environment. Therefore, the first in the list of cities cost even in Soviet times loud and popular names - Yalta, Feodosia, Evpatoria, Gurzuf, Alushta. And yet the modest, who retained the provincial charm since the times of Scythians, Dzhanka managed to stay with his favorite travelers.

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I wonder what to attract the vacationers, for example, with luxurious Black Sea beaches, he cannot - is far from here to the coast. But the fact remains a fact: Dzhanka - actually the entrance doors in the Crimea himself, that is, it is at his railway station that all those who dream of spending free from the works of righteous days arrive on the peninsula. However, crossing the "threshold" of the Crimea in this place before moving on to the scheduled resort, it is worth linger in this "cute village" - namely, the name of Dzhankoy is translated. Those who are tired of concrete heights of the metropolis and mad rhythm of highways, the town gives a cozy quiet atmosphere, practically relax. Indeed, there are no striking artifacts and grand sights What, let's say, Greece boasts to the whole world. But the history of Dzhankoi's old and filled with the most diverse events is also displayed in the accumulation of museum exhibits, and in monuments on the city streets, and in the buildings themselves. Dzhanka is the same town for which you just need to slowly walk, enjoying low-rise, accuracy, dyspesticness of local life.

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Although it is worth noting that a noticeable place, decent attention of travelers from all over the world, is still there: Janka is proud of its landscaped Park-Reserve "Kalinovsky", which on the legendary - Solen - Lake Sivash. True nature connoisseurs in all its manifestations stop in a mute admiration already in the first meters of the protected area, because the most different options for the steppe landscapes of such beauty are difficult to meet somewhere else. And the active life in these edges is brought, of course, huge and, most importantly, a variety of birds of birds, some of the species of which dwells here constantly, and the part is winter. This is one of the most popular reserves on the Crimean Peninsula, stretching at 12 thousand hectares. And he originates from the village with a tempting name - transparent. Climatic features allow making tales and Dzhankoy himself, and in its surroundings : Basically, there is arid, but not particularly hot summer, on average the air temperature is kept on comfortable +23. In winter, the thermometer does not fall below -2. After all, no accident in the times of Crimean Khanate, these lands were populated - our ancestors also appreciated comfortable life. To the capital of the region - Simferopol - from Janko to just more than 90 km. The city's railway station remains many years the most important intersection knot Kharkov-Sevastopol-Kherson Kerch, and this is a large sorting station in Russia. He has a Janka and its "highlight": amazing wine, for which it is already here to come here. According to the legend, the extractors in the winemaking of this region were the ancient Greeks, and the current drink in a couple of millennia was almost unchanged - retained the "exclusive" taste, a delictitude, tart sweetness and, of course, the cunning of the fortress. Another imperceptible at first glance is a local cuisine based on Crimean Tatar features. For example, the inhabitants themselves believe that the best Cheburechnaya in the Crimea is the one that is located at the janko railway station. In short, before plunging into a noisy, fussy and the motley world of one of the Crimean resorts, it would be nice to spend a couple of days in a jankan - "cute village".

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