How to move on Jamaica Island?


Christopher Columbus at one time opened the world a large antiliest islands. And the main pearl in the crown of these islands, of course, is the island of Jamaica. I was lucky to go there in 2005. Now, I would have thought for a long time, go there, or to another place. Tourism in Russia opened the pathways in all corners of the Earth. All business rests in the price of the issue and time of the trip to your believed goal. And at that time I worked in the same organization, this trip was assumed as a business trip. Not on Jamaica, of course. Jamaica was a kind of intermediate point. And just, to connect useful with pleasant, was also a big plus of this trip.

We flew from Cuba to Jamaica Island. From the city of Santyago de Cuba to Kingston about three hundred kilometers. We were driving some particular Douglas, which is a place for an air dump. I thought it was the last flight in my life. But God and this time I have been senior. From Kingston Airport and began my acquaintance with the transport of this wonderful island.

On Jamaica, then the population was about 2.5 million dark and optimistic yamayans. They call themselves difficult. And the official language of the country is English. But the population mainly speaks to the purse, this is a mixture of French-Spanish-English-Portuguese and some African languages. In 2005, Russian tourists on the island, probably not. Numerous hotels and American and English tourists were. And the Russians, probably we were alone. They looked at us, as if we arrived from the Moon or Jupiter, there was our English. Guide did not relieve us. There was a lot of time - a whole month. The work was assumed at least. In general, a full-fledged subtropical vacation, from mid-January to mid-February. Temperature from 20 night, up to 32 days.

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We flew to Kingston in the morning, we were 14 people. We met a bus of one organization, inspiring respect all over the world. Bus is a 40-50 bus. Meeting with the poster summed up to the bus, presented the driver and disappeared. We prepared for a trip to our hotel. But the driver disappeared. It was not from half an hour. At this time, some people approached, went to the bus. Finally, the driver appeared, began to collect money. We took 50 USD for 14 people. The bus was full, people even stood. An hour and a half circled in Kingston, planting passengers in various parts of the city. Finally, our hotel. Our leader met us in the lobby. We talked about misadventures. How he, did not laugh, but he dropped! It turns out that our driver, customer flight, united with his commercial interest, showing resourcefulness. And 50 American dollars gave him in vain. For everything already paid. Lust. What am I telling it? Yes, the fact that the local is the ear. Where can I inflate foreigners in a financial issue - influence. But they will make it fun, with jokes-booms.

In his spare time, our group was allocated two passenger Mercedes. With the unusual to ride the island may seem the task not out of the lungs, especially since prolonged meetings with the country's road police did not work out into our plans. However, we have mastered the month. Roads on the island are not bad. But the driving style of local is very aggressive, and the movement is left-hand. Therefore, we were on the road for the first week represented a real danger, making uncertainty in motion and in the passage of turns and intersections. Then we got mastered.

Women on Jamaica do not drive driving. Behind the wheel is Macho with a grizzle of cigar, and it seems that he smokes continuously. The cloud of smoke is constantly broken from the window. In order to save fuel, they do not use air conditioners. Air conditioning - Taxi privilege. Counters in a taxi are available, but are only decorative. About the price should always be negotiated when landing. You will definitely ask whether the air conditioner is included. Be prepared that percentage of 20 percent is added to the agreed amount. And one more cheating, but the Iron Rule: Tips 10-15%, be prepared. Yamaican guys are very hot, and the solidarity of taxi drivers does not know the limit, since, mostly, tourists move on the island on a taxi, and a few rich aborigines.

When moving on the roads of the island, pay attention to the wandering cattle along the road. Like the population of Jamaica, he is calm, phlegmatic. But if you "get" by his signal of your clason, be prepared for an attack. And not only cows. Nearby is a shepherd, which will raise the cry and locals will run away. You will seem happiness, give a few bills to escape from their friendly hugs. The best, calmly go to the herd and wait for you to drive. And local drivers will not be indignant. To the cattle here the attitude is very loyal, patient.

Now I'll tell you a little about this type of transport like a bus. We used them only in the city, but people working here enlightened.

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The bus on Jamaica is the most democratic type of transport. I do not speak about buses of hotels, big and comfortable. I'm talking about folk. The first thing we think, traveling by bus, this is the price of the question, and also, how much will go away and how much will come. The price is the lowest, which just saw. 50 miles, and this is about 80 kilometers, you will cost about 100 Jamaican dollars, which is approximately 1USD. But it is not necessary to hope for a separate place and air conditioning in the cabin. Once, in the provincial village, from the cafe, we watched the departure of this People's Jamaican Transport. Fortunately, the driver was sitting at the next table and drank coffee. He was about an hour waited for the filling of the cabin, and the bus was the size of our Pazik. Several times came out of indignant women. He was calm. The salon was filled, man 10 stands next to the bus. Finally the driver paid out and went to the car. Half of people from the salon came out -coming, the place was enough for everyone. So, folk transport, at the same time is a local club. And this is also a national tradition.

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And, the last good advice. When traveling to Jamaica, do not forget to get off such a magical word like "Yamon." No one knows that it means literally, but it's a greeting, and farewell, and how are you, and I have a good thing, and how your wife and mother-in-law is doing, and much more.

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