How to get to Lausanne?


Geneva and Lausanne are two largest cities on the shores of the Swiss Riviera, so it will be not so difficult to get there. There are no direct airfares to Lausanne, but to Geneva - no problem, and there already from Geneva to Lausanne will not be able to make problems, since the cities share only 65 kilometers.

How to get to Lausanne? 5624_1

From Kiev and Moscow there are direct flights of Swiss airlines to Geneva, tickets to both ends will stand about 300 dollars. From Geneva to Lausanne can be reached by cars and by train and plane. And the route and railway canvas are held along the shore of the Lake Geneva, so both travels will be very picturesque.

There are direct flights Zhneva-Lausanne, but landing-registration-receiving luggage and other procedures will rise much longer than the path itself to the city, so much faster and more convenient to rent a car or take a train / bus.

So, renting a car Foltswagen Polo or the similar at Geneva Airport for two weeks will stand about $ 580 - not the cheapest option, but significantly unleashes the hands, more precisely, the car will be easier to drive around and visit all the interesting places of Swiss Riviera. And so by car to Lausanne Izh Women is worth going along the A1 highway, which leads to Bern, just do not miss the desired index of the congress in Lausanne.

If you decide to go by train, they walk very often and quite regularly from the Geneva Station Kornavin, the fare is about 10 francs.

Geneva Airport is 6 km from the city, but it does not get to the city. The train from the airport to Kornavin Station goes every 7-8 min, travel time is about 15 minutes. Rienechik, where the station is located, of course not very, but this is not the worst. The fare on the train from the airport to the station is only 3.5 franc.

How to get to Lausanne? 5624_2

Takery from the airport to the train station can be reached by bus, the stop is not far from the station, you should take a bus number 5.

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