What currency is it better to take with you in Vadul-Lui-Vodu?


It is worth noting that almost all calculations at the Vadul-Lui-Väe resort are produced in national currency, that is, in Moldovan leah. Citizens of Moldova this information will be without needful, but it can interest foreigners.

What currency is it better to take with you in Vadul-Lui-Vodu? 5621_1

If you are residents of neighboring states, then you have the opportunity to purchase Moldavian lei in your homeland, since the banks of neighboring countries usually have a currency used by their neighbors. In the absence of such an opportunity, currency exchange can be exchanged on the border at the entrance to Moldova, where the branches of banks or at the airport of Chisinau, in the building of which there are about five currency exchange points of various banks, and the course may be slightly different that it is necessary to take into account when exchanging.

What currency is it better to take with you in Vadul-Lui-Vodu? 5621_2

But, as a rule, in Chisinau itself, the course may be more attractive, so if possible, you should not exchange a large amount at the border.

As for the exchange of currencies in the Vadul-Lui-Vodo itself, the town is relatively small and since the bulk of tourists is still the inhabitants of Moldova, a special need for a large number of currency exchange points, and in the absence of competition, you know that the course will be slightly lower than in the same Chisinau. Branch of Unibanka in Vadul-Luu-Vyae, where you can exchange currency on Balniera Street, 1 (BuCuria-Sind Pension Building). US dollars, euro, Russian rubles, Ukrainian hryvnia and Romanian lei are accepted for the exchange. In principle, this is a standard currency list that is accepted in any branch of the Bank or Moldova's currency office.

What currency is it better to take with you in Vadul-Lui-Vodu? 5621_3

In Chisinau, there are many exchangers where the list of accepted currencies is much more. And practically no difference with which of these currencies you will come to rest, in relation to all of them the course will be completely adequate, based on the indicators of the National Bank of Moldova. The usual schedule of currency exchange points is from 9.00 to 17.00. By the way, if necessary, cash withdrawal from a bank card, an ATM at Vadul-Lui-Vode is at the same address as the exchange office.

What currency is it better to take with you in Vadul-Lui-Vodu? 5621_4

Having a bank card supporting Visa, Visa Electron, Maestro, MasterCard systems, you can pay it, although at the resort there are quite few such stores. These are mainly small outlets where the calculation is made only in cash. You can also exchange money in some hotels, but again the course will not be very profitable.

It is not necessary to change money on the street from strangers, as you can get on the next chamber, although recently such cases have a rather rare phenomenon.

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