What should I see in Bezier?


12 kilometers from the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, Beziers is considered a real Pearl Department of Ero and attracts enough tourists, especially in the summer. In my opinion, he knows enough about him in the CIS countries, so there are practically no Russian-speaking tourists. And in vain. After all, the city is really very interesting.

Founded in the 7th century before the new era, he retained a lot from his historical heritage and happily demonstrates it to his guests.

The main and most noticeable attraction of the city is undoubtedly Cathedral of Saints Nazaria and Celsius (Cathédrale Saint-Nazaire-et-Saint-Celse de Béziers), towering over the old town and prominent from many points.

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It was built in the 13th century on the site of an existing temple from the 8th century in the Gothic style, and was preserved almost in priority to the present day. Up to the 19th century, he was considered a cathedral, while in 1801 the Diocese of Bezier was not combined with the Diocese of Montpellier and the department of the bishop was transferred to a larger city. In our other days you can freely go inside to enjoy the greatness and power of this cathedral. Some gloomy walls, vintage stained glass windows, a magnificent organ - all this fascinates and for some time deprives words. Walking through his galleries, you can get into the patio and a mini-garden, from the sighting platform of which opens up an indescribable view of the city.

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Next to the cathedral is Revolution square devoted to brave leaders of the glorious days of French history, decorated in the Gothic style. There are still very beautiful and picturesque area - Madlena Square on which the same is Church of Saint Madelena , built in the 11th century at the site of the massacre of women and children in the dark Middle Ages.

But the most significant attraction and pride of the city is passing through its territory Southern Channel (Le Canal Du Midi) , equipped with a complex gateway system and allowing to connect the Mediterranean and many settlements on the south coast (in particular, it connects Toulouse with the coastal city set, and in the Toulouse itself it is connected to the Garonnian channel going to the Biscay bay). Stretching 240 km, the canal is a real masterpiece of engineering thought and attracts thousands of curious tourists. Its creation began in the 17th century, and since then it was somewhat improved, and in 1996 the canal was even listed as a UNESCO World Heritage List. After all, it is not just a water channel dug in the ground, it is real engineering equipment with a gateway system designed in highland conditions to lower and raise trial to the desired level for further promotion. One of these sites is directly in Bezier, so having arrived in the city, it is necessary to visit this place.

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Another unusual attraction for France is Arena Bezier built in the amphitheater style for corrida. Do not be surprised. Being the most Spanish city of France, Beziers is perhaps the only place in the country where the fight with bulls is allowed (if I am not mistaken, even with the murder of a bull in the arena), which attracts the mass of the audience in the season. In total, there are two arena in Bezier, the first of which appeared in the city in the days of Romans, the second was built at the beginning of the 20th century precisely for such competitions and is the largest in France to the building of this kind, able to accommodate up to 13 thousand spectators.

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Walking through the historic center of the city, you can just enjoy his wonderful architecture. Attention deserve both vintage buildings decorated with rich stucco and unusual sculptures, fountains, and even a bridge built in ancient Roman style and survived in Bezier since a long time.

Many residents and guests of the city are free time to spend City Park , created in the 19th century in English style and is a great place for walking. Its true heart is a Titan Fountain, towering among neat alleys.

Thus, in Beziers really have something to see. And even better - stroll through its narrow streets, breathe the southern city and enjoy his incredible atmosphere.

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