What excursions worth visiting in Ghent?


In this article, consider some popular excursions in Ghent - the second in the size of the Belgian municipality.

City tour

During this journey, we will see the castle of the Flanders, the Guild Houses, a sentier tower, a Friday market, a customs port, medieval churches, the Cathedral and the Town Hall. Gent is the birthplace of Karl Fifth and the idea of ​​the association of Europe.

The cost of the excursion is from 150 euros, it is held daily from 08:00 to 21:00, in the group - from one to thirty people.


What excursions worth visiting in Ghent? 5613_1

Excursion: Proud Flanders

Welcome to the city of Ghent! Rather, not only in the city, but also in the original architectural complex. In addition, he is known thanks to a noisy student life, a wonderful museum and a comfortable atmosphere inherent in the medieval settlement. Ghent is the city of those who have always fought for their freedom.

During the excursion, you will see the County Castle - with his towers we will admire the wonderful panorama of Ghent.

Within a few centuries, GraveSeen castle played the role of residence for the FLAND Counts. In the future, he was also a mint, the court sessions were also held here, a prison was located and even there was a textile factory.

The design of this building is not subject to the rules of the arching styles, because the role of the building was not at all aesthetic, but protective - because the local rulers feared and even the people's own people were afraid, which was always ready to protect their rights, armed with remedies - labor instruments and just stones. The basement of the castle stores tools for torture, which the graphs tried to pacify the dismissed people, but they did not have a decisive action on decisively configured workers of manuffs and another simple people.

While walking on Ghent, we will visit the Cathedral of St. Bavon. The most famous shrine of this cathedral is a Gent altar. In this building you will be able to inspect the famous masterpiece, which left behind the great artist Rubens is a picture of the Holy Bafa. After visiting the Ghent, you will learn why Bell Tower Belford is under the protection of the international organization of UNESCO. Excursion to this attraction is very informative - you can see the chests of the city treasury, the museum, the bell, which weighs more than six tons ...

The next city wonder excites fantasy by one of its name - "Devil Castle"! His owner was distinguished by a bad character and was pretty harsh, although he did not enter the story as a significant person. However, the castle has a rather spectacular look, thanks to which tourists seek here.

The atmosphere in the city of Ghent is impregnated by the feeling of legends, as well as the aroma of Belgian waffles, which are preparing almost in any corner. Give yourself pleasure from this walk!

Excursion cost - from 200 euros. They are held daily, from 09:00 to 18:00, in time, take three hours, in the group usually from two to ten tourists.

Castle GraveSeen:

What excursions worth visiting in Ghent? 5613_2

Excursion: historical places of the city

During this excursion, we provide historical places of the city - such as St. Bavon's Cathedral, in which we will see the greatest creation of the painting of the fifteenth century -Cartina Yana Van Eka "Worship of the Holy Laman", we will rise to Belforte Tower, from where a beautiful view of the city opens . If you expand the desire, we will visit Steen in the castle, in which there is a museum with torture guns. And our walk in the old cafe will end, which remains the design from the fourteenth century, where we will we store the world-famous varieties of local beer. If you wish tourists, we can visit the acting brewery.

This excursion is held daily, from 09:00 to 18:00, and in time it takes three hours. The cost of a walk in Ghent depends on the number of people in the group: from one to seven - from 150 euros, from eight to fifteen - from 200 euros, from twenty-one to forty - from 250 euros.

Excursion: Gent Kingdom - in the footsteps of Flanders counts

During the history, Gent and Brugge were rivals for the title of the first city of Flanders. In the work of the Legend of the Uilenspigel, which is a peculiar literary encyclopedia about Flanders Middle Ages, the mention of Brugge is found thirty four times, and about Ghent - forty times!

Even despite the fact that Brugge is ahead of his tourist attractiveness, Ghent wins compared to him in an economic and social plan for the whole state.

However, on this excursion, we also discover interesting places for themselves - in the footsteps of Flanders columns, we will pass on the bloody pages of historical certificates of rebellion and riots in Ghent. The city has always had a tense relationship with any rulers, whether kings or emperors, confess the new power of Catholicism, "Belgicism" or capitalism ... Ghent struggled with religious and noble tyrana, defended the city treasures, fought in the name of independence. This difficult historical road defined the character traits and its position and the role in space and time. Purchase to the history of this city!

In the period of the Middle Ages, the Gent was among the richest cities in Europe, he was inferior only to Paris in him. The central part of the city built in the Middle Ages, in which there are three towers and the Bridge of St. Michael, Channel Lis, Lachenhall, Market, a sentry tower, wonderful embankments of Grasners and Korenlee, where the ancient buildings that have been preserved with the past centuries are worth; Secrets of the castle of the Counts of Flanders of the Twelve century and the famous Gun Altar, made by Van Eyk in the Cathedral of St. Bavon - all this forces tourists to thoughts about eternal and to evaluate modern events from new positions.

Almost all municipal walls saved the memory of significant historical events and facts. By visiting Ghent, you can visit not only in museums and theaters, but also in operations. In Ghent, the mass of small comfortable restaurants, where you can taste dishes related to both local and European cuisine. Traveling on this peculiar city anyway will leave you strong impressions.

Potor Tower:

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The price of excursions - 150 euros, its duration - three to four hours.

Enjoy your journey!

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