Shopping in Beijing. What can I buy? Where? How much?


We are accustomed that the goods with the mark "Maid Ying Chin" usually turn out to be cheap consumer goods, but upon arrival in China, you can change your idea that this country produces. Beijing has not only tourist attractions, but also - a lot of outlets, both small langocks and shops and large malls and bazaars, in which trade passions and in which travelers can acquire many inexpensive products of fairly good quality.

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To make a shopping in the capital of China, moral, cultural and, of course, material preliminary preparation, especially if you are going to make a shopping trip without a local Explorer's Conductor for Shopaholiki. Therefore, take the map in Russian and is not in a hurry. The current currency - Yuan - can be obtained in the exchange station, are available in any of the shopping centers, so you can make this financial operation in that institution where you are going to spend your money for the benefit of the great Chinese people.

Some features of local shopping

Before purchasing the thing you like, it is necessary to bargain - meaning if you have visited the market or institution where there is no fixed price for the goods. This process can not only take pleasure in itself, but also will help to save your money significantly. In the very art of Chinese bargaining, there are no special tricks - those who communicated with the visitors from the east at home in their homeland, will not make much work to negotiate about the price of Beijing. Only not worth it, of course, very much, because now you are the right guest.

When you know the cost of the goods, take this information correctly: this is the price for a tourist, and it is normal above - just five times, and even ten. It is necessary to bargain only when you are clearly sure that you really want to buy a thing, and not just wind your nerves and people. They heard that he said about the cost of the goods smiling resident of the Middle Kingdom, determined for themselves the minimum reasonable amount, and forward until it stops until you come to consensus! And by the way, you should also be a smiling buyer, and not an obese packet, to whom someone should. After a successful completion of the transaction, sellers usually give custom cards to those before the end of the trip to Beijing do not forget the road to their wonderful stores.

What are traded in Beijing

In the capital of China, you can buy anything - and a traditional souvenir for memory, and a good fur coat. It is impossible to tell immediately about everything, so I will stop at the most interesting products from the Middle Kingdom.

Elegant Chinese souvenirs are very popular. These beautiful things will remind you of the east: you can buy a graceful light figure - a porcelain or bamboo, any ceramic product, embroidery or carved bauble, made of wood or stone. Porcelain from Jiangxi Province is very attractive; It is also worth noting the china "Guanyao" - such products in the twelfth century were made to the joy of the Chinese Imperial Dvor. Jade utensils are not only beautiful in appearance and enchants high surface treatment skills, but also publishes melodic sound when touched; Eassensmen of embroidery art can pay attention to the juicy paints of Suzhou, Hunan, Guangdong and Sichuan, which seemed to be made not by earthly residents, and the gods; Without such goods like Silk, tea and ginseng, it is no longer worth to leave the consecration. Lovers of beautiful can buy in Beijing not only works of Chinese artistic art, Buddhist icons, engravings and so on in the same spirit, but also such a remarkably performed small-style small-style, such as devices for calligraphy, clay dishes, paintings on mramor, and Many other beautiful items in the National Spirit.

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In China, it is also customary to buy medicinal medicines and means of traditional medicine. "Three jewels of Chinese medicine" are, as it is customary - Pants (deer horns), ginseng and gelatin from donkey skin. With the help of ginseng, it is strengthened by immunity, the stimulation of blood circulation and maintain the vital energy of "qi"; Pants in China for their healing properties are not less valued than ginseng - they have a beneficial effect on blood, strengthen the bones, help in the treatment of hearing and vision and fill the vital energy of the body; As for the third type of medication, it is produced in the province of Shandun - gelatin from donkey skin contributes to the restoration of weak immunity.

You can please love close or acquaintances, giving them tea brought from China - a win-win version of expensive and stylish souvenir, which is not only impressive thanks to its taste, but also has a beneficial effect on the body's condition. From the most popular varieties, you can note the Red Yunnan "Dianhun", as well as Zhejiang "Sihu-Longjin". These varieties are unique due to the relevant conditions in which they are grown, and they are in turn due to the geographical features of the territories where tea plantations are located.

Alcohol connoisseurs can try (or acquire for later) the local famous National Vodka "Motay", which is produced in Guizhou province. Unique taste and aromatic qualities associated with the crystal purity of this drink can please those who love to compare our "our" and "not our".

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When the task of providing gifts from China's relatives (friends, loved ones and others), you can think about fashionable clothes. In the sense of the range, as I said, everything is fine, but in the sense of quality ... there is branded, good-quality products, but it is worth going to relevant institutions, boutiques, etc. In the markets you can buy everything much cheaper, but this is understandable, there are no original products at all. If the money after excursions in Beijing and the surroundings are not left for more, or just you are the usual "Rousseau tourist" without too high requests, and still do not apply for real "Gucci" - maybe this is your option? Successful shopping in Beijing!

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