What excursions should be visited in Bari?


Bari's port city, albeit the capital of the Italian region called Apulia, is not rich in attractions, but is surrounded by typical Yuzhnoyetalian towns, each of which boasts their own charm and southern charm.

For example, a 150 kilometers removed from Bari 150 Lecce With basilicists, palaces and other buildings in the style of the baroque amazing, gentle-golden color, as if always overwhelmed by the pre-ordinary sun. For the magnificent and elegant architecture of the city, Lecce was nicknamed by the city of Baroque or South Florence. And its unusual, shining color, mansions and churches are obliged to local limestone breed, from which most buildings were built. The main attractions of the city are the Cathedral and the entire Ensemble of the Duomo Square, Sant Oontto Square with the Ancient Roman Amphitheater under it, numerous churches with a lush inner decoration, a castle and a gate, erected by order of Karl V. Lecce known and their papier-mache, whose manufacture rises More to middle eyelids. Required when visiting the city as a souvenir, it is worth buying a papier-mache figurine, made in one of the many workshops.

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No less lush, but more elegant in architecture than lecker, town called Martin Franco Also pleases with its architecture in the style of Baroque and the fascisated finish of facades in the style of Rococo. The most luxurious city building is the Ducal Palace, built in the spirit of the luxurious metropolitan Palazzo. Two churches - St. Martin and Saint Komazia differ in pomp and grandee. Here you can also find unique South Tytalian white houses with cone roofs called Trulli.

But the biggest concentration of the Trulli houses - in Alberobello Here they are about one and a half thousand. Some of them remained in their original form, and the part was adapted to modern reality and turned into a hotel, restaurants and shops. Almost all "aligned" Trulli are located in the area of ​​Rion Monti. And Trulli, still populated people and almost untouched by tourism, can be found in the less tourist area of ​​Ayia Piccolo. After a hike in a fabulous town, you can relax on the central, already modern, city square - Piazza Del Popolo and be sure to go to the souvenir shop - to purchase ceramics and read souvenirs - here they are among the cheapest in the region.

Next to Alberobello, in the town Castellano Ghotte. , There are some of the most significant caves in Europe and the largest system of Karst caves Italy - the grottoes di Castellan. The names of the caves along which tourist routes are laid, just as exciting as the bizarre forms of stalactites, stalagmites and staples - "Black Grotto", "Cave of Owls", "Snake Corridor", "Cave of the Cliff". The most famous cave-byanka grott, or the "white cave" recognized as the most beautiful in the world. The entrance of the last group in the cave - at 16.00. Ticket price - from 10 to 15 euros per person. The cost of the program Speleon - 25 euros per person. The town of Castellano Grotty is also notable for the architecture of palaces, churches and monasteries.

Next Station on the Railway Burning Station from Alberobello - Snow Whole City Lokzondo, Particularly among the most beautiful small towns of Italy. The historic center of the city, begins on the Vittorio Emanuele Square, which is framed by small white houses, and moves along the medieval streets and alleys, forming the same rings for which the city and got its name - "round place". And, according to the tradition of this Italian region, urban space is surrounded by stone trilling houses hiding behind elegant vineyards. In these vineyards, by the way, produce the best white wines of Apulia. Local wine, high quality and inexpensive, you can try in one of the restaurants of the city. If you wish, the wine can be purchased - directly opposite the railway station building is the main manufacturer of local wine - Companies of Cantina Sociale Del Locorotondo.

From the city Motolla At the heel itself, Italy opens great views of the Tarantic Bay. From the main attractions here - the Cathedral, built in the XIII century, as well as the unique Byzantine cave churches from the Middle Ages, whose interiors are decorated with frescoes with biblical plots. The most significant churches of this species include the Churches of Santa Margherita and Sant Angelo, as well as Kyza Rupestra San Nicola, who is still referred to as the "Apulian Sicastine Chapel". In addition to the cave churches, Motol and the surrounding area have whole cave complexes - cities with housing caves.

But the most significant cave cities are preserved in Mother - The capital of cave construction. The attention of tourists, first of all, deserves a quarter called Sassi di Matera. Sassi is translated as a "rock", or "stones", which true reflects its essence - all buildings of the historic part of the city are cut out of soft limestone right in the rock. In the middle of the 20th century, people lived here, and today you can look at their life and household items. In addition to the cave city, there are other attractions in Mother. For example, Cathedral and Cathedral Square, National Museum of Domenico Ridol with unique archaeological finds. The museum is open every day to 8 pm, the cost of entry is 2.5 euros. In the palace of the palace, a magnificent collection of modern art provinces is collected, as well as the work of the masters of the Neapolitan school. The entrance ticket costs 2 euros.

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Ostuni. - Charming White South Town, whose historical part is built up by buildings from white limestone, because of which the name of the White City was entrenched for the Ostuni. Here is the old town with a fortress wall and watchdogs, here is the Grand Gothic Cathedral, as well as the Episcopian and Count Palaces. But besides inspecting the sights in Ostuni there is something to do. Many kilometers stretched out magnificent beaches with snow-white sand and the purest sea marked by the "blue flag", as well as vineyards and almond and olive groves attract themselves fans of agrotourism.

Mandory - The city, which is the capital of winemaking on the Salento Peninsula. You can admire here on numerous churches hidden among winding streets of the Old Town, for example, to the Romanescent Church of the Holy Mother or Medieval Jewish Ghetto. And then go to the local family restaurant and taste apoise cuisine with a mandatory glass of Primitivo Di Manduri's wine, which is one of the best wines in this region obtained from grape variety primitive.

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Molfetta. - Fisherman and port city in Apulia, attractive by their numerous old retardant towers and the Chief Cathedral of San Corrado - a sample of the Romanesque style in Puglia. But first of all, Molfette is interesting to shopping lovers - it is here that Molfetta Outlet is here - a huge shopping center in the vicinity of Bari, pleasing discounts up to 70 percent.

All apoise towns have a southern charm, and each of them, their local flavor. Thanks to the branched network of railways, to each of them can be reached by train from the Central Station Bari. To the very far city - Lecce, go about two hours. The remaining towns are no more than an hour away from Bari.

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