Rest in Dadunhae: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Dadonghai?


Almost everyone who was on the island of Hainan celebrate Dadonghai Bay, which is located in the city of Sanya, as one of the most beautiful places of the island. First, Dadonghai Beach, as it were, is protected by two mountains picturesquely limiting it from the outside world, and this is despite the fact that Sanya is only a few minutes away. Secondly, surprisingly pure white sand, tropical flowers, palm trees and clear sea. It is this that puts Dadonghai Beach in the ratings of leading tourist agencies of the world to the topmost lines. But it is precisely this a little harm, because Dadonghai is always crowded on the beach (in addition to tourists, he loves the locals), but umbrellas and sun beds are not enough. Perhaps therefore, those who go to relax with children choose Jalunwan, where the beaches are less crowded.

Rest in Dadunhae: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Dadonghai? 56025_1

But Dadonghai is a great place for diving and fishing lovers. Tropical waters, this place where many exotic fish come across corals. Of course, it is not necessary for this to go here, but as entertainment during vacation, diving is a great thing. There are several diving centers in Dudoonhai, which will organize dives for both beginners and experienced divers. Similarly, and fishing. In the bay, a huge amount of fish, which after you caught it can be prepared in local restaurants, which are there many.

In general, Dadonghai restaurants are a separate topic, because there are a lot of them here and they provide the entire kitchen palette of the world. There is even Russian. But special attention should be paid to certainly local and seafood. Fresh, tasty cooked and surprisingly inexpensive.

Rest in Dadunhae: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Dadonghai? 56025_2

If sometimes you want to take a break from a beach holiday and what they say - "make shopping", then there are no problems with this too. In the center of the city of Sanya (3 kilometers from Dadonghai) there is a very large number of all kinds of shops and shopping centers, souvenir and jewelry shops. Let's like this place and lovers of nightlife, as nightclubs and entertainment vessels working from the sunset to dawn here a lot.

By the way, probably, many will seem the last remark important, in Dadonghai there are a lot of tourists from Russia, but plus it or minus, it is to decide.

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