What should I see in Lourdes?


I always thought that the journey through the so-called holy places is boring and unfavorable lesson for those interested in history and architecture. But once in French Lourdes, which is located in the Department of Upper Pyrenees on the Gav de-PO River, I realized my misconception. The place is so incredible and exciting spirit that you unwitting feel involved in something more, something else. And despite the fact that the town is quite small, about 15,000 inhabitants live here, this place is definitely worth a visit to see all this beauty with their own eyes.

What is so famous for Lourdes and why does he attract millions of pilgrims from all over the world? According to the legend, tested by the Catholic Church, on February 11, 1858 in one of the people around the city of the caves, the Fourteen-year-old residential resident of Bernadette Subite (Bernadette Soubirus) was the Virgin Mary. In total, the girl described in all such "phenomena", and they all took place in the vicinity of Lourdes. After long-term checks on the part of the church administration, the girl, by that time, became the nun, was counted among the saints under the name Bernadetta, and Lourdes turned into a real pilgrimage center. Since then, millions of people come here to touch the walls where the phenomenon of the Virgin Mary occurred, pray in the temple of healing.

Nowadays, this is a real complex consisting of several ambitious structures. Having passed from the city parking on winding streets, a lot of souvenir shops, a person passes through the bridge and enters the entrance to the territory of this sanctuary. Already from the first minutes you can make sure the greatness of this place.

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Central Pearl Lourdish Sanctuary It is the church of Notre-Dame de Lourdes (Notre-Dame de Lourdes), built on the site of the first phenomenon of the Virgin Mary. In fact, this is a whole temple complex that includes several churches, underground and terrestrial basilica and so on.

Passing through the gate, the first thing that the person sees is a huge alley leading to the entrance to the temple and the statue of the Virgin Mary established in front of him. Along the tracks, you can see peculiar stands on which prayers are recorded in different languages ​​of the world. On the right there is a kind of information booth - a mini-museum with canvas and inscriptions, in English and French describing events that have occurred in this place.

The very first temple that opens with an approach of approaching visitors is an underground Basilica of St. X (Basilique Souterraine St-Pie X). Coming out of her, you can climb the Saint-Michel bridge (Pont St-Michel) to get to the main cathedral of Lourdes - Notre Dame de Lourdes. The decoration of the cathedrals corresponds to the value attached to them, and from the top platform opens an indisputable view of the surrounding area.

After seeing two basilica there are non-Kazilique Du Rosaire Basilica (Basilique Supérieure), it is worth going down to see the miraculous cave to see with your own eyes (Grotte Miraculeuse).

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It is worth being prepared for the fact that a long queue stretches to the cave, however, it moves rather quickly, in fact, people pass along the walls along the walls and go out, so it does not have to stand much for a long time. Nearby are sources from which you can score holy water. If you have not taken a bottle with you, it does not matter - there are special machines on the territory of the complex, in which you can take a bottle you can take. What surprised is that all bubbles are freely available - only posted plate with a recommended board (from 0.25 to 2 euros, depending on the type and size), which is directed to the honesty of visitors themselves, lowering coins in closed containers. By the way, the same system acts when buying-paying candles in the temple. You only need to approach the reserved place, take the candle you like and lower the coin into the box (though, the candles cost a little more expensive, about 3 euros and higher). Here are also bathing - women's and men - in which you can plunge into the water arising from the holy source. True, the baths open at a certain time interval according to the schedule, so it is better to clarify it in advance (it is posted in the same place, at the entrance). To the south, the mountain trail begins to the upper basilica - the so-called godfather with fourteen stops (by the number of stops that Jesus Christ did along the way on Calvary).

Once here immediately became clear that one acquaintance with a sanctoire could leave at least a day. But he examines its territory, you should not hurry to leave Lourdes immediately. After all, in the city there is still something to see.

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So, right in his center, on the rock rises Lourdish castle, Serving a powerful defensive point since the time of Ancient Rome. According to written sources, in the 8th century, in it at the same time there was a French king of Karl Great, and later he became the royal possession of French monarchs at all. Over time, it changed somewhat somewhat, at 13 - 14th centuries, the Donjon Tower was attached to the initial construction and thus the fortress became even more impregnable.

Nowadays in the territory of the castle is Pyrenean Museum In the expositions of which are the objects of art and the life of the inhabitants of this region. One of the most curious, in my opinion, is a collection of models of houses of different regions of the country. From the survey site of the castle, an incredibly beautiful view of the city and the surroundings opens.

In addition to this museum, there is another unspecious place in Lourda - The Wax Museum dedicated to Christian motives. In his halls you can see Jesus Christ, and Mother Teresu, and the very girl of Bernadettu, who, in the vicinity of the city, was Virgo Maria, and even the production of the "secret evening" Leonardo da Vinci. There is a museum at Rue de La Grotte, 87, it works from 9.00 to 18.30 at the cost of the entrance ticket to 7 euros for adults and 3.5 euros for children.

Thus, it is really a very interesting city, which if possible, it is necessary to visit. Here reigns a completely special, nothing to do with the atmosphere, people who speakers in different languages ​​are gather here, to heal or just touch something powerful, to something unusual.

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