What excursions worth visiting in Sergeevka?


In Sergeevka you can visit The following excursions:

• Fortress in Belgorod-Dnestrovsky;

• Vilkovo;

• Catacombs in Nerubiysky near Odessa;

• Shabo tasting hall.

Of all the most interesting is the visit to the city of Belgorod-Dnestrovsky.

The main one (and perhaps the only one) attraction of Belgorod-Dnestrovsky is Belgorod-Dniester Fortress . During its existence, she changed a lot of titles, but from a historical point of view the most correct name - Akkerman Fortress . The fortress was founded in the XIV century. Built on the site of the ancient city of Tira, which once was part of the Roman Empire. At the moment, the fortress is the largest of the preserved on the territory of Ukraine, and at the same time the most preserved in Ukraine.

So, if you are on your vehicles, you will not get to the fortress: throughout the city there are road signs. Right near the central gate there is quite large parking (it was free).

The fortress stands on the shore of the Dniester Limana, its western wall is built on the rocks and goes almost to Liman, only separately standing small rocks and the first row of walls are separated by the main fortress wall from the water. And the northern wall at all almost closely approaches the Dniester Limana.

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When you fall on the territory of the Akkerman Fortress, the first thing that amazes is a very large area, but at the same time weakly built-up (or rather being destroyed).

The most ancient part of a long time is citadel , built, most likely, the Genoese. It is four round towers, connected around the perimeter with high walls. Inside the citadel and some towers can be passed. Dull, raw and dull. Once the towers had basements intended for storing ammunition and urban treasury. The citadel is part of the so-called northern defensive courtyard. Previously, the commandant was located in this most fortified part of the fortress and the garrison officers lived.

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Outside the citadel, but within this garrison yard constantly lived a military garrison of the fortress. The walls here have a thickness of 3 to 5 meters. The height also reaches about 15 meters, which made the fortress of impregnable from the Limana. Now you can take a walk by destroyed fortress walls, look at the loopholes.

No less interesting for viewing is the territory of the southern defensive courtyard. Although "defensive" is loudly said. It is rather a residential (civilian) courtyard. Here were houses and dugouts, in which urban residents lived in the event of the danger of an enemy attack. Not survived at all. In this part, the most comfortable walk through the fortress walls. The walls leads many steps in different places of the fortress. The thickness of the walls here is the biggest, reaches 5 meters in some places. From the southern and eastern sides, the fortress surrounds a wide ditch, the depth of which in some places reaches 14 meters.

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Among the numerous towers, which are in this part of the fortress, the Towers of Pushkin and Ovid are of particular interest among tourists. First, they are well preserved. Secondly, have an interesting story.

Tower Ovida (Other of its name - the maiden tower) is located on the left of the main gate, on the corner of the southern wall. This tower has an octagonal shape, a roof is covered with tiles. According to the legend of the Roman Poet of Ovidia, on the orders of the Roman emperor, Augustus was exiled to the eastern province. And it is believed that it was in the dash that the famous poet settled (I remind you that such a name was a city in the times of the Roman Empire). It is not certainly unknown whether in fact lived in the dash of Ovid, it is only an assumption. And even more so it is not clear why this tower is considered to be the Tower of Ovid.

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In fact, to start the inspection of the Akkerman fortress is more convenient from the Ovid Tower and already move around the territory in the direction of the clockwise direction. Thus, on our way there will be a watchtower, more known as Tower Pushkin. . It is located directly opposite the Ovid Tower practically over the Dniester Liman. Unlike the previous tower, it has a tetrahed form, also consists of three tiers, has a balcony in the form of a terrace. Regarding Alexander Sergeevich himself, it is possible to assert with full confidence that Pushkin really visited the fortress during his stay in Odessa. Again, according to the legend, presumably after the inspection of Belgorod-Dniester fortress, he had a plan to write a message "to Ovidia".

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At various times, a lot of other famous people visited the fortress, among which Lesya Ukrainka, Adam Mitskevich, Maxim Gorky, Ivan Nechu-Levitsky.

Restoration work is constantly underway on the territory of the Akkerman Fortress. This makes it possible to visit the parties to observe the entire process of restoring fortress walls and other premises. Here are collected and exhibited for review various types of defensive and siege weapons. This fortress is a unique attraction, fully demonstrating the defense architecture of the XV century, as well as a valuable object of scientific research. And on the territory of the fortress you can shoot from Luka.

During its existence, the fortress was repeatedly attacked. Several times they were trying to take the troops of the Ottoman Empire, they made numerous military campaigns of the Cossacks of Cossacks. Three Russian-Turkish wars are associated with the history of the Akkerman Fortress. Despite its importance and external inaccessibility, the fortress was constantly conquered. I got the impression that no army, the precipitated fortress, did not leave here, without capturing the fortress. Some one is unreliable, or people fought badly.

At the beginning of the XIX century, the Akkerman Fortress loses the status of a military facility. And in Soviet times it becomes a monument of architecture, protected by the state. Quite regularly the fortress appears in various movies, including modern.

Currently, there is a museum in the fortress in which it is possible to see items found on the archaeological excavations of the ancient city of Tira and the Belgorod-Dniester Fortress itself. The museum is open on weekdays. The entrance is free (was). Also on the territory of the fortress, knightly tournaments are regularly held, causing genuine interest not only among residents of the region, but also far beyond.

The fortress is open daily from 9-00 to 18-00. Adult entrance - 10 hryvnia, for children - 5 hryvnia. It is possible to take a tour of the fortress (for a group of 25 - 30 people costs 250 Greens).

Almost near the fortress can be visited Archaeological complex with the remnants of the ancient city of Tira which was founded by immigrants from the city of Millet at the end of the 6th century to our era.

If you are going to go from Sergeevka on a minibus, that is, a direct route to Belgorod-Dnestrovsky. Drive about 30 minutes (about 20 kilometers). The cost of one of the end of 10 hryvnia. The fortress is a 25-minute walk from the bus station.

Although it seems to me that in some hotels offer an excursion to the Akkerman Fortress (but not a fact).

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