What excursions worth visiting in Polis? Where better to buy excursions?


Among the most interesting excursions from the policy, you can highlight the route that will introduce you to the west coast of the island. You will see, both traditional settlements and virgin landscapes that attract travelers from around the world to this terrain. As a rule, this tour will take approximately half a day and better go to its morning option, especially in the peak of the summer season, when high day temperatures can visit interesting objects and attractions on the route less comfortable. The cost of the excursion is from 50 euros.

A trip along the route along the road leading through numerous tourist complexes, built in the traditional island style. The bus will drive past large and small hotels, and the eye involuntarily delayed on the endless blue spaces and lace lines of the shores that are below. Many villages are concentrated in this area and in some of them you will have stops for exploring local attractions.

In the village of Eba, there is a temple of the Virgin of Chrynesus, in which portable icons of 15-17 centuries have been preserved to this day. In the next door to the village of Leba during the excavation, the settlement of the copper century was discovered. You will be able to familiarize yourself with the reconstruction of the lifestyle and the subjects of the life of the time. A slightly above the village of Kisonerga is another settlement related to the copper century. The stop here is not provided, but even from the window buses you can make some interesting photos. After Kisonergi, the road passes through extensive banana plantations. You will open and an impressive sea view.

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Following the coastal road and leaving only a few kilometers away, you will fall into the Bay of Maa, which is more famous called "Bay of Corals". Today, this area in Cyprus is a major tourist center. There are large hotel complexes, shopping centers and restaurants that serve annually thousands of local and foreign tourists from all over the world. Here, five kilometers from Cape Drepano, there are ruins of two early Christian basil with wonderful mosaic floors. The guide will tell you that once in this place was the early Christian settlement. In the rock over the sea, the chopped graves of the Roman period were discovered.

Next, you will find more interesting and picturesque settlements on the route. In the village of Kahnis, pay attention to the stone houses built on small hills and on the plain of the laron. Once here was a transshipment point for merchants and travelers. At a small boring courtyard, which in the very center of the village, people and animals rested in the very center of the village. Now it is one of the most charming villages of Cyprus, surrounded by dense vineyards and known to high quality and pleasant taste.

In the center of Laon's plain, there is another beautiful village of Arodes, with opening endless views of the west and east.

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And in the village of Crete Tera located next to him, you will have a stop for lunch in one of the local Taverns of the traditional national cuisine. It will also be possible to purchase quite good copies of folk Cypriot creativity at the local souvenir shop. During the venue tour of the village, pay attention to the fact that all houses here are built from stone and are located on the hills. The name "Creit" comes from the village of Yerokrito, belonging to the Byzantine era, and the name "Tera" belonged to another village, which later merged with Crete. The land here is very fertile, and the nature is surprisingly beautiful. It attracts here every year thousands of nature lovers from all over the world. The Center for External Environment Research, which today studies the rich flora and fauna of this area. Crete Tera Village is also known for His Church of Chrysellius (19th century), the Franco-Byzantine Church of St. Catherine (Fitefkias), an old water mill and spring sources. Local residents willingly share with you with your pride - a commencement from here Khatzigeorgakis Coresia, who at the beginning of the 19th century was one of the most prominent personalities of the Greek Society of Cyprus.

After visiting the landscape plains, you go to the bay of the city of Chrysochus, where the picturesque fishing village of Lutse is located. The bay of the village, which will appear to your eyes, has the shape of the horseshoe, and on each of its Cape the lighthouse is installed, and a wooden marina is equipped with a length of about 50 meters to the center of the bay. On the right and to the left of the bay you will see sandy and stony beaches of amazing beauty. And a few kilometers from Ltsi there is the terrain of the Terma Aphrodite - one of the business cards of the entire island of Cyprus. View of the bay of the city of Chrysosus is considered one of the most beautiful panoramic views of the island. After swimming in the sea, according to the legend, the goddess of Aphrodite washed away the salty sea water in a small lake, surrounded by a picturesque landscape and wild flowers. You will definitely show the guide. According to the legend, it was here that Aphrodite met for the first time with his beloved Adonis, who hunted in the Akamanta forest. Deciding to drink water from Lake Adonis bent over him and saw a naked bathing goddess. They were blinded by the beauty of each other and immediately fell in love. According to legend, one who drinks water from the "Source of Love" will feel younger and will perceive a more acute sense of love. However, in fact, water in the lake is not intended for drinking, which will definitely warn the guide during the stop.

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Somewhat below "Term Aphrodites" is "Amoros Fountain". In fact, this is not a fountain, but a whole terrain that is known for its unique beauty. In the closer time, the refuge of the court, saving from raging sea waves or forced to replenish their reserves of drinking water, which seemed to be made possible in this harbor. Nowadays, this is an ideal place for beach holidays and activities of active water sports. Here on the program of excursion, before returning to the opposite way, you will have a stop approximately an hour to enjoy this corner of Idylli.

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