What excursions worth visiting in Pissouri? Where better to buy excursions?


If you relax in Pissouri, it is necessary to go on an excursion to the ancient city of Kuriy. This excursion is organized, both in the morning and in the afternoon and lasts about 5 hours. The cost will depend on the capacity of the bus. If the tour is designed for a mini-group up to 15 people, then you pay about 70 euros per person. If this is an excursion with a large group by 45-50 people, then the cost decreases to 50 euros, but the comfort will be less. Such a group is more difficult to assemble at stops along the route, and, therefore, the time will be spent more at the technical points, and not an overview of the sights.

Kuriya is one of the most interesting archaeological regions of the island. It is built on top of a hill with an amazing view of the surroundings. Here you will get the opportunity to make photos unique in your beauty. Your eyes will open a small green plain, covered with orange trees, vineyards, fruit and vegetable plantations. In the distance you can see the Cape Akrotiri. On the right and on the left are two bays: the Bay of Episokpy and Limassol. Ankrotiri peninsula ends with a hill. On both sides you will see an amazing beauty of Cape Zejgarari and Cape Cavo Gata. On this hill is one of the main military bases of the British in Cyprus. It is called acrotets and here is a military airfield. Near the military base, Solonchak is located on the plain. A silver flow of water flows along its surface. Here there are some whitish from salt lakes.

There is evidence that the area around Kuria was settled for a long time. Nearby was discovered by the settlement of the era of the neolithic compression. Archaeological finds suggest that the Kurry was an important settlement, both in the Hellenistic and Roman era. In the 4th century AD The city was completely destroyed by a whole series of earthquakes. In addition, archaeological excavations prove that the Kuriy was subjected to Arab raids in the 7th century.

During the excursion, you will get acquainted with a number of objects of the Archaeological Reserve of the Kuria. The first of them is an ancient theater. This Roman amphitheater, designed for 3.5 thousand spectators, is located in the south of the reserve. It was built at the end of the 2nd century AD. And rebuilt for 3 centuries. In the 4th century the theater was abandoned due to the spread of Christianity. Archaeological finds prove that the initial theater was built into the Hellenistic era (2 century BC). The theater was used to set comedies and tragedies. In 1961, the Society of Archaeologists restored the theater, and now it is used for small theatrical performances, concerts and other public events.

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Next to the ancient theater of Kuria you will find the next object - the house of Eucstolia. More precisely, you will see his ruins. At one time, it was one of the largest built of the entire archaeological reserve. This is the building dated 4 century AD, was originally a private house, but during the early Christian era, the rest was turned into a public holiday destination. The house of Eucolia consists of thirty rooms and baths. Pay attention to the floor. It is decorated with a beautiful mosaic depicting Christian symbols such as fish, birds and geometric patterns. One of the inscriptions calls the name of Eucstolium, and the other reports that this hall was decorated with AIDO, Sofrosini and Eusevia. The biggest inscription notes that the building is decorated with the most simple symbols of Christ, not iron, copper and diamonds. One of the mosaics of the house has been preserved in very good condition. It depicts a woman's head framed by the word "KTICIC". At the highest place is the baths in which hot and cold water served.

The next object for inspection is the dwelling of Monomakh. This is a private house that has received its name thanks to a mosaic that reproduces the battle of gladiators. On mosaic, their names written by capital Greek letters are indicated.

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At the Northern entrance to the Kuri, you will visit the Achilles Residence. In all likelihood, it is dated 2 century AD. and intended for official reception of guests. It is worthy of your attention to the mosaic, which reproduces the stay of Odyssey on the island of Skyros and the scene of the recognition of Achilles, disguised into a woman. It is worth viewing the remnants of the drainage system equipped with clay pipes, which provided water a city with a population of about 30 thousand inhabitants.

Exploring further, you will find yourself near the first christmas throne church, which dates back to 5 century AD. And is one of the biggest throne churches of ancient Cyprus. It was the Cathedral of the city and the residence of the bishop. You can inspect the granite columns with marble bases, which were separated by three neuts of the throne church. Apparently, it was a magnificent throne church, the walls and the surface of the floor of which were decorated with mosaic paintings. The residence of the bishop was located in a two-story building of the west of the Throne Church and had an octagonal tank with water and rotunda. During the Arab raids, when the kuria buildings were destroyed, the bishop moved his residence to the village, which is now called the bishops.

Not far from the First Christian Throne Church there is a complex of buildings dating from an Hellenistic era up to the 7th century. The Roman Agora with Rotonda is located in the center of the city of Kuriy and was a meeting place for citizens. During recent excavations, Roman Nymphio (Public Water Source) was found - a complex building dedicated to nymphs, nature deities.

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2 kilometers from Kuria Bus will stop the ancient stadium. It was built in the 2nd century AD. In the times of the Roman period and acted for 200 years. According to the data obtained as a result of the excavations, the stadium had seven rows of chairs and accompanied about six thousand people. Its dimensions were achieved in length - more than 200 meters, and in width - a little less than 20. The stadium was destroyed by an earthquake of the 4th century AD. Today you can inspect only his ruins.

Finishing acquaintance with the archaeological reserve, you will proceed on the road passing through the Bishopi Bases. On both sides of the road you will see English settlements and a beautiful valley that the British, satisfying their desire to play sports, turned into a place to play football, cricket and hockey. This valley was named happy (Happy Valley). Here you will have the latest, stipulated by the program of excursion, photo station.

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