Where to go in Pattaya and what to see?


The fleet of magnia and stones, which is a charming Mix of Zoo, Circus, Landscaping Park and even the Paleontological Museum. Very organically combined on the territory of the park. Pavementous trees, miniature threes of the 200-year-old bonsai, abstract stone sculptures weighing up to 80 tons, which, as they assure, formed a million years ago and gathered here from all over the country ... Something I can not believe me, to be honest. ... Yes, God with them, let him be a million if someone wants to someone. The main thing is that these stone blocks were here very much to the place.

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Here, in the park, there is an exotic flowering garden and a pretty pool with a waterfall, which is called the biggest in Thailand (oh! ..), and zoo zoo with tucanis, tigers (white including), elephants, bears, zebras and ostriches - Above all silence, the best entertainment in the tropics is impossible. The Pattaya croco farm, located in this park, is much more oriented on the tourist, rather than Cambodian, and cuts coupons from Faragov long ago and very actively. Would you like a crocodile show? You are welcome! Each hour, the energetic learn will carry reptiles for the tails on the assland of the public and lay their heads in their open grazing.

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Another show that attracts no less Rotossev and the crowds of those who want to participate - crocodile fishing / Crocodile Fishing, or feeding crocodiles. For a couple of dollars you will get a fishing rod with a solid shmaty chicken - and feed yourself on health if this entertainment adds to you adrenaline. I just walked over to the railing and looked down into the pool, sising crocodiles.

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Still, the Thai attraction feeding tobast creatures is more civilized against Cambodian, where $ 10 give you a living chicken - and then fake it as you want. Well, the Pattaya Farm itself, in principle, is also definitely divided into age-related enclosures, like Siemipan. From curious, I will note that those knoks who have sliced ​​tails are sitting separately. Blimey…

Next to the croco farm, in the middle of the park there is a Harchevnya, where you will serve a menu with a good tenth of crocodilen dishes. Do not believe those who will argue that the crocodile meat is reminded to taste a chicken. Nothing like that, crocodile meat looks like taste ... on the crocodile meat, and nothing more. I can not say that it is insanely tasty, as well as I will not say that it is not delicious. Meat like meat, with his taste, with his smell, with its own specifics. 500 baht for a portion, which is somewhere $ 17, is a very big money for Tai, despite the fact that according to the standards of Moscow, this is a dear penny. In the cafe in the crocodile farm, the crocodiletin is prepared in the form of steaks, chops, barbecue, serves soups, roast, baked, stew, fried on rubrys. White meat itself, rather gentle, juicy, slightly sweet enough taste and appetizing. Crocodilatina is considered dietary meat, easily digested, practically does not contain fat, and therefore very low-calorie. It has a large protein content, vitamin B12 and some kind of garbage, which reduces blood cholesterol. Nevertheless, for the first time tasted the crocodile exoticism, we received real gastronomic pleasure and acquired an invaluable experience, which you have already understood, somewhat varies with a generally accepted opinion. It is better to take a step and after a sorry about the one who later, that later I regret all my life that I didn't dare to step.

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