Rest in Ottawa: pros and cons. Should I go to Ottawa?


The former settlement of the Indians, who appeared here in the 17th century, formed here the village, which later grew into a huge city, the present capital of Canada - Ottawa. Today it is not just a large center of the country, it is also an amazingly beautiful and interesting city, from the point of view of tourism. After all, it is here that traditionality perfectly harmonizes with modernity.

Rest in Ottawa: pros and cons. Should I go to Ottawa? 55639_1

The wet continental climate of the city emphasizes the peculiarities of each season, although the spring here is often freezing, and spring comes into their rights only in May month. In the summer and winter, the temperature differences are rather sharp, so at this time it is worth capturing with them warm things. But I believe that the most successful time of visits to Ottawa is spring, since it is at this time of year, the city will enhance the paints and the aromas of thousands of colors, and especially the tulips, which are dedicated to the most popular and one of the most visited festivals worldwide - the Tulip festival .

Rest in Ottawa: pros and cons. Should I go to Ottawa? 55639_2

The city of Ottawa himself is right on the shore of the river of the same name, and in the southern part of the city, the channel of Rido is crossed. You can safely argue that this is a very green city, with a clean environmental situation. Many tourists are striking the colorfulness of the city, because throughout the warmth time of the year, the city is soaked in thousands of colors and flower beds located right on the city streets and balconies of local residents. In addition, on sidewalks instead of cats, proteins are often found, which people feed. But winter is the time to reach the skates, because on rivers and canals that greatly freeze, many local residents get used by the help of skates.

Rest in Ottawa: pros and cons. Should I go to Ottawa? 55639_3

The city has a lot of great attractions, so everyone will see what. An architectural symbol is not only fatal, but also the whole country, is a complex of parliamentary buildings, located simply in the city center. Among them, the tower of the world is especially allocated, the highest of the whole complex. It is in this tower that the memory book is located in which the names of the people who died during the time of the war, as well as the altar of the victims. There are also the bells - Ottava Carillon, with which they perform a wide variety of musical compositions.

Another court is located in the complex, the building of the Supreme Court is located, before the gates of which they make a shift of Karaul, and there is also a unique monument - a fountain with eternal fire, which is a symbol of the Union of all provinces of the country.

But the Christchurch Cathedral was performed on me the greatest impression, as well as the Notre Dame Cathedral. These stunning, very majestic buildings look exquisitely and just excellent, I am sure that this is the real pride of the country. A very large-scale structure and the National Museum of Ottawa, one only the building is just fine. You can also visit the National Art Gallery, a public archive, a currency museum or a military museum of the city, which is no less interest. In addition, the National Art Center is popular, in which all sorts of performances and concerts are constantly passing.

Rest in Ottawa: pros and cons. Should I go to Ottawa? 55639_4

And now a little about the gastronomic features of the city. I think it is worth considering the fact that local cuisine, as such, is practically no here. If in Qubec kitchen is more like French, and fast foods are not popular at all. That in Ottawa, they sell almost any food, and fast foods are a favorite place of many local and visits. Literally around the city there are cafes, bars, restaurants offering Italian, French and Anglo-Saxon cuisine, which is most in demand. But the Chinese, Asian, Polish, Mexican and other varieties are also sufficiently popular.

In principle, meat dishes are believed to be the favorite delicacy of Canadians - steaks, steaks, and fillets Brochtt - barbecue with bacon and champignons. In addition, it is necessary to try the stewed rabbit, fried on the chicken spit and the famous kidney pie. And I almost forgot about the traditional maple syrup, which is served to pancakes, cupcakes, buns and other baking, as well as ham in the maple syrup - is simply delightful. Look at the local bars and drink beer, whose varieties in Ottawa are quite large.

Rest in Ottawa: pros and cons. Should I go to Ottawa? 55639_5

Hotels in the city are also plentifully, so the price of accommodation is directly proportionately dependent on the area. For example, in the center, not far from the parliament building, the cost of the room will be at least 150 dollars. But a little away from the center, the cost begins from 30 dollars per night. In addition, large originals are placed in a hostel called Ottawa Jail, located in the present former prison building, in which the rooms look like a conclusion cameras.

To make pleasant purchases, you can go both in vintage shops and in more modern shopping centers of the city. But many tourists prefer to visit, just a huge size of the open-air market - byward Market, which is selling absolutely everything. Do not forget that only minor shops work on Sundays, and during the week, all stores close at six o'clock in the evening.

Among the souvenirs, the greatest popularity is of course, maple syrup. The second place is occupied by Ice Wine - wine from a little frozen grapes. The third is all sorts of baubles: dreams of dreams, ceramics, a variety of symbolic figures, as well as craft products.

As for security, it is not worthwhile. Throughout the day, urban streets patrol by police. But it is worthwhile, the so-called, remote black neighborhoods of the city, because it is very often possible to meet robbers. While walking through the streets of the city, you should not take large amounts of cash, as well as documents. It will be much more practical and safer to leave such valuable things in the hotel's safes, as it is better to reinforce it again.

Rest in Ottawa: pros and cons. Should I go to Ottawa? 55639_6

In addition, it is worth paying attention to the laws for the sale of alcohol in the country, because at night and on Sundays, his sale is prohibited. And in general, you can buy alcohol only in public institutions, or in restaurants and cafes with the Licensed Premises sign that gives permission for sale.

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