What is worth viewing in Vancouver? The most interesting places.


Vancouver does not withstand comparisons with other important cities in the world in the sense of tourist attractiveness, but still an interesting geographical location, a relatively recent large-scale sports event - Winter Olympiad-2010, and the glory of one of the most attractive cities of the planet give Vancouver the right to be called interesting for travel travelers . And the noteworthy places here are still available, so if you have the appropriate information, you will be able to spend time here.


City Cathedral belongs to the Canadian Anglican Church. It is surrounded by high spirits and geographically located in the city center. This building is the oldest stone building in Vancouver - it was built it in 1894, and consecrated - in 1895. This structure in 1909-1930 was subjected to work on reconstruction. The inner decoration of the church, which is built in the style of gothic, is decorated with a tree and multiple stained glass windows.

Museum of Anthropology

The Vancouver Anthropology Museum belongs to the University of British Columbia. It was founded in 1976. The institution has 36,000 ethnographic and 535,000 archaeological objects of exposure. There are exhibits that represent the art of the original inhabitants of America - Indians, totems that were collected in the local villages, an exhibition of textiles, numbering six thousand items, which represents the art of the Asian world, as well as the North-West coast of America, inhabitants of Africa and Oceania. As for the African Exposition, there are 2800 items - masks, totems, Egyptian mummies and weapons samples. About half of all that is in the museum, belongs to the Asian Collection - here you can see ceramics, engravings, coins, masks, textiles, representing the art of such countries as China, Japan, India and Korea. The Anthropology Museum also has a large photograph - there are more ninety thousand photos and a unique exposition with sculptures of Bill Raid.

What is worth viewing in Vancouver? The most interesting places. 55593_1

Art Gallery

Vancouver art gallery, which was founded in 1931, is the fifth largest artistic museum in Canada. It occupies a territory of 3850 square meters, here you can see about ten thousand canvases, photos, figures, engravings and other things. The pride of the art gallery is the collection of works by Emily Carr, as well as the works of the painters of the "group of seven", the work of Mark Stegal and Jeff Walla.

Museum Vancouver

Vancouver City Museum is the largest civil museum in the country. It was founded in the 1894th Association of Art, Science and History of Vancover. The exhibition did not have a constant "registration" until 1905, and that building, where the museum is located today, he took in 1968. In 2009, the museum collection was reworked, the establishment in a new format was made to represent the history of Vancouver and its population. The exposition of this institution has cultural and historical artifacts from the entire planet.

Space Center Macmillana

This institution is located in the city museum building. His name is connected with the name of the industrialist and philantopa from British Columbia. For visitors, a cognitive and entertainment program has been developed here - you can fly to Mars on the simulator, as well as help save the Martian colony. Tourists will also be interested in the presentations, exhibitions and video games of cosmic subjects, which are organized on the "Space Plath". Here is the "Ground Station Canada" theater, designed for ninety-spectators, here you can see coloric speeches. On Friday and Saturday there are laser shows. The nearby Observatory Gordon Southham allows you to watch the sky in a telescope.

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Maritime Museum

The sea museum, which is located in Vancouver, is the oldest museum of this type in the whole country. He is dedicated to the chronicle how the marine development of Vancouver, British Columbia and Canadian Arctic occurred. It was established this institution in 1959, and the main subject of the exhibition was Schuna "St. Roch, built in 1928. This vessel became famous for the fact that it first rejuvenated with the mainland, sailing by the Panaman Canal. Here you can look at the ship in all details - to inspect its deck, cabins, as well as freight holds. In addition to this schooner, the museum exposition also has a research underwater vessel NASA "Ben Franklin (PX-15)". In addition, Vancouver Maritime Museum boasts the presence of James Cook's geographical maps, vessel models, in the manufacture of which cardboard, paper and fine bone were used (among other models of the French Military Ship, built in the 1800th year, Vengeur de Peuple). Also, here is presented in a large number of marine attributes, documents, there are marine libraries. In the museum workshop, you can see the process of the birth of new models of ships.

Center "Scientific World"

This center is a modern scientific museum, which is located in a spherical building in forty-seven meters high, on which the figure of the dinosaur is banging. Here you can walk inside the large model of the camera, try to let square soap bubbles or catch up with your shadow. There is also an OmniMax cinema.

Tower Harbor Center

This building is a popular urban height. Upstairs there is a playground providing a circular review. Here, with good weather, Vancouver and Gulf of Barrade, Islands, Mountains and Glaciers can be perfectly visible to be perfectly looking to the site, you should use the high-speed glass elevator. The way up will take less minute.

Botanical Garden Wang Dosen

This botanical garden received its name through the local entrepreneur and fan of natural beauty Whitford Juliana Wang Dusten. It was established this institution in 1972, and discovered - three years later. The Square of the Botanical Garden is twenty-two hectares, here you can see many representatives of the world of Flora collected throughout the planet. In the garden there are Indian totems and stone figures. There is a green labyrinth, as well as a chain of water bodies connected to each other.

What is worth viewing in Vancouver? The most interesting places. 55593_3

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