Where to go to Genoa and what to see?


Travelers who fell in Genoa, notice a small number of tourists. The thing is that this unusual city is quite controversial and ambiguous. Some fall in love with him with the first seen photos. Others discard the idea of ​​the trip to Genoa, learning about the overaffect of poor neighborhoods in the city.

In my opinion, the main city of Liguria has everything you need in order to surprise and charm its guests. Once in Genoa, the first thing is necessary to take a tourist map with a description of monuments and routes. You can do this at the news points at the station or at the airport. Then it is worth recovering the two most beautiful streets of the city.

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Via Di Pre. - Street reflecting the Medieval Spirit of Genoa. It needs to be sought through a narrow alley, thipping the head inspect the bridges between the roofs. According to these unusual airbags, locals walk to each other. So they affect the city surrounding his mountains, causing it to grow up, not styling.

Another street that allows you to get to the old center - Via Balb. i. It looks luxurious than the previous one. It is on it that one of the most beautiful buildings of the city - the Royal Palace Palazzo Reale . Local residents managed to preserve the interior of the palace. A visit to the throne room, mirror and ballrooms will remain in memory for a long time. It is worth looking into the patio paved by sea pebbles. For watching beautiful frescoes, gorgeous canvases and sculptures will need to pay 4 euros to adult and 2 euros adolescent (18-25 years old). On Mondays, the palace is closed. You can get to it on foot from the station or the subway station to the station.

View the city from above can be from the observation deck of Bigo in the old dock (Via Al Porto Antico). Rising on the elevator to a height of 40 meters above the sea you can see multicolored houses, ships in the sea and feel the smell of the port. Another panoramic field Belvedere Luigi Montaldo. It will be able to impress not only the species of Genoa, but also an old elevator with huge windows. To admire the city, as on the palm and a beautiful sunset, tourists can, rising from the square of the village to the Corso of Magent on the funicular Santa Anna. A ticket for a lifting on the funicular costs 0.7 euros and is sold in any tobacco or newsstand of the city.

Where to go to Genoa and what to see? 5552_2

Get acquainted with the history of Genoa you can visit Garibaldi Street . In the gallery Palazzo Bianco or Gallery Palazzo Rosso, there are illustrations of the life of rich families of the city in the seventeenth century. Previously, the galleries were palaces, and today they are set by the canvas of talented artists (Veronese, Caravaggio and Durera). Garibaldi Walks must be completed to darkness. Not many tourists like that the street is poorly illuminated in the evening and there is a quarter of the Red Lanterns.

All guests Genoa must necessarily see the eternal symbol of the city - Lighthouse Lanterna . The world in the world at a height of the lighthouse from ordinary brick is in the old harbor. Near him there is a Lantern Museum, the exhibits of which are acquainted with tourists with the history of the city and port. In order to admire the views from the lighthouse, it is necessary to overcome 375 degrees and pay 2 euros.

Tourists who fought in love with Genoa should be visited Piazza Ferrari . On the square there is an opportunity to throw a coin in a large and beautiful fountain (to return once again to the city), look at the monument to Giuseppe Garibaldi, visit the Doge's Palace and Church of Jesus.

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Young tourists should certainly visit Aquarium . Fish and other marine creatures live in 48 pools. Various exhibitions and shows will surely enjoy the children. In addition, visitors can admire the dolphins through the glass wall of the underwater tunnel in the pavilion of cetaceans. At the second level of the pavilion, a beautiful top view on mammals opens. A ticket for an adult costs 24 euros, for children from 4 to 12 years old ticket costs 15 euros. You can get to the aquarium on the subway station to St. George.

The tourist area of ​​the city is the streets of Via Di Campa and Via S.luca. Most boutiques, souvenir shops and cafes are located on these long streets. From Friday to Sunday for tourists swap meet At Piazza Mateotti. In the morning and until 17:00, sellers of different tents offer all sorts of either antiques.

There are still many interesting places in the city. In order to see them all needed to buy a ticket and come to Genoa.

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