Is it worth going to Avoriaz?


The ski resort Avoriaz, which is at the very border of France and Switzerland, is no longer one ten years in a favorite place of a large number of lovers of skiing and snowboards. The big plus of this town is included in the largest enclave for riding the port du Soleil, is the fact that he did not arise in the place of the settlement already there, but specifically as the resort for ski. That is, everything is concretely "sharpened" for them. The resort itself looks very and quite unusual, the high hotels trimmed with a dark tree are striking, very similar to the decoration of fantasy films. Hotels do not have a high "star" mostly it is 2-3 stars, but normal, European. However, the most popular way of accommodation is the apartments with full self-service. But as in all small resorts, to which Avoriaz applies, the place must be booked in advance. In the peak seasons, and thanks to the fact that there is always snow here, it can be said that the peak season here is constantly, free rooms or apartments are almost impossible.

Is it worth going to Avoriaz? 5543_1

It can be significant and the fact that for vehicles Avoriaz is closed, so riding starts straight from the door. Down go through a small slope, and up either on the lift or on foot or the most romantic way - on horse. By the way, it is equestrian strokes that are here the only way of movement, with the exception of hiking.

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Thanks to the presence of three SNOW Parks, this place is considered paradise for snowboarders, springboards, railings and other obstacles, which riders love are presented in full. Perhaps that is why the World Cup stages on various disciplines of creative skating are constantly held here, and it was here that the first snowboard World Cup was held here in the history of sports.

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As already wrote above, Avoriaz is located in the heart of the port du Soleil, so you can ride anywhere and at any tracks. Joke Lee, the total length of the trails of the territory is more than 650 kilometers. Despite the fact that it was in the Associaz region that there is a large number of "black" tracks, this place is perfect for beginners. In the village itself there are three ski schools that have excellent reputation throughout Europe. The biggest of them Ecole Du Ski Francais Avoriaz has more than 180 instructors conducting training throughout Portes du Soleil, that is, it will not only work for those who do not know how to stand skiing, but also for those who wish to improve their skills Before riding on black tracks, as well as famous offrass zones that are nearby. The latter have special markup and rescuers are constantly on duty. Schools are happy to love not only adult skiers, but also a young (from 5 years old). Perhaps that is why there are so many families of coming to ride with children. At least such a number of children in the village itself, and on the tracks, I did not see any of the ski resorts. There is even a ski kindergarten, which is generally struck. But back to schools. There are classes in them, both individual and group. By the way, due to the fact that Avoriaz is very popular among Russians, classes can also carry out Russian-speaking coaches.

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But not only skiing and tracks are famous for this place. Despite the small size of the resort, in the evenings there is where it is to entertain yourself and what to do. Restaurants and cafes in their mass in the central part of Avoriaz so much that they can accept everyone without any particular problems. There are a pair of nightclubs, in which popular DJs are speaking, there are simply disco for those who want to dance under well-known pop rhythms.

Is it worth going to Avoriaz? 5543_5

Although Avoriaz and the French resort, but getting to it best of the next Switzerland. The distance from the resort to Geneva International Airport is only 90 kilometers who are overcome in two hours.



- excellent skating;

- Great place to travel with children;

- Many tracks;

- Saturated nightlife;

- Availability of Snow Parks.


- the level of housing leaves much to be desired;

- A little expensive.

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