Is it worth going with children to rest in Primorsk?


Primorsk is a small resort village, in the Zaporizhia region, which is located near the city of Berdyansk. The value of Primorsk as a resort is determined by a unique location on the shores of the wonderful Azov sea on the one hand and liman with its healing mud on the other. The infrastructure in the village is weak, the resort refers to the number of developing. Therefore, here you will not find noisy discos, nightclubs and mass walkings. It is rather quiet, family, rather a children's resort, although with some deposits of youth. The climate in Primorsk moderate. Summer is pretty warm, sometimes even sultry, precipitation in the village is a rarity.

Is it worth going with children to rest in Primorsk? 5540_1

The Azov Sea is simply top of magnificence. Thanks to a unique geographical location, the sea is already warm enough at the end of May. The temperature in the water reaches +22 degrees and the more intensively fry the summer sun, the more marine water heats up, and in July, the temperature reaches +28 degrees and keeps it almost until the very closure of the holiday season.

The Sea of ​​Azov is not in vain called the "Children's Sea". His uniqueness is such that even adults need to go to the sea long enough to get to the depth. And the children here are full of detrunities, especially small. At the shore, the depth of the small defector is all "by the ankle", and the water warms up to the temperature of the paired milk. Children "For the ears" from the sea do not pull out.

Is it worth going with children to rest in Primorsk? 5540_2

Do not need any children's pools, you can safely let go of the Raught. An occasion in the sea is safe, the descent is quite gently and long, there are no sharp drops from finely in depth. Thanks to the qualities of the sea coast, the main contingent of vacationers is married couples with children of any age.

The places of residence in Primorsk are not just enough, their great set. The village is located far from industrial enterprises and the only earnings of local residents is tourism. Here they live only at the expense of the holiday season. Therefore, the private sector is incredibly well developed. Convenience and comfort of accommodation offered seats in the private sector and sometimes much higher than boarding houses and recreation bases. The first time rested in Primorsk in the private sector. The two-story building, given completely to the deposit of resting. The location of the house is beautiful. Around the coniferous forest, cool even in the most hot day.

Is it worth going with children to rest in Primorsk? 5540_3

And breathing in such a place with full breasts. Fragrances of fir trees, cedars in combination with sea air - "nuclear blend". The house had everything for a comfortable stay, ranging from bed linen ending with kitchenware. And the price is simple "funny" 80 UAH. (10 US dollars). The only minus for such a chic accommodation was (for us) what was needed to cook. Nutrition was not provided. Of course, it is always better to eat what you will cook, safely (especially with children in resorts). No need to experiment by removing the sample in various cafes and restaurants, but ... I want to rest at the resort and not stand at the stove. But it is on the one hand. On the other hand, in the boarding houses, the food is not "kosher" at all. It happens, they cook somehow, from anything, neither the droplets without taking care of the respondingness of the cooked. And the price policy pension is an order of magnitude different from the private sector. I will say more, in comparison with the pension "Surf" OJSC "Motor Sich,

Is it worth going with children to rest in Primorsk? 5540_4

We in the private sector paid simply "kopecks". This case is familiar to us, I had to relax and there and there.

The price difference is very significant. If the day of accommodation in the private sector went out (two adults and a small child in an extra place) 180 UAH, then on the recreation center last year, the same alignment was poured us 640 UAH. "This is with a three-time diet of course. Name budget such a holiday in the boarding house does not turn the language. Of course, the territory of the pension is chic. It can be compared unless with the reserve, so clean, well-groomed and pleasantly accommodation itself. The entire boarding house dries in greenery, a mass of children's entertainment (pool, tennis courts, platforms for mini soccer).

Is it worth going with children to rest in Primorsk? 5540_5

When you get tired, then you can drive to your housing on the train.

Is it worth going with children to rest in Primorsk? 5540_6

It runs through the alles of the boarding house and free (was. I don't know now). Invented great. Entertainment a lot is quite, but again, Danyushka is trying to "snatch" among holidaymakers on everything. When we rested in the boarding house, the first time the pool was absolutely free, then Batz - 25 UAH.

Is it worth going with children to rest in Primorsk? 5540_7

But inflatable circles, vests, inflatable toys for children appeared. It also happened with the children's attraction "Little Country", all trampolines were paid (2 UAH. - 1 minute), and which child oriented in time playing. And so everywhere, on trifles, on trifles and raided the day a very impressive amount.

Pension in the boarding house were satisfied. Prepare quite acceptable. For kids, there were always dairy dishes, different kasya. Lunch is delicious and full. Soups, meat dishes - always. Fish dishes available. All for every taste. For children yoghurts, cookies, fresh baking. There are even chairs for feeding. And the most interesting thing in the dining room, a huge TV is hanging in the children's hall, where kids are smoothly curled cartoons. At the expense of the nutrition is very well delivered in the boarding house. No words.

Is it worth going with children to rest in Primorsk? 5540_8

But, I repeat - the rest in this pension is not at all budget, it is rather designed for very medium wealth.

The beach of the boarding house is huge, though the descent to it is cool, the kids are hard. The beach is clean, well-groomed and perfectly equipped for recreation. But here "Strengut" Denyushka. At the very edge of the water, there are sun beds, they are paid (20 UAH. For half a day).

Is it worth going with children to rest in Primorsk? 5540_9

The second line of the beach - mushrooms with canopies are free, but the place must be time to occupy. These "free" places under the sun are very popular.

Entertainment on the beach boarding house is organized perfectly. From 10:00 he worked for a children's animation group "Lodge". As it should be, they started with charging, then children's games, there were competitions, contests. Great.

Evening life is a bit boring, but quite acceptable. On the territory of the boarding house for children with a paid complex "Little Country", a cinema, where the performances of the circus genre were constantly held, were produced by the puppet theater. For adults, hiking in the nightclub "Theme" or in the beach bar.

Is it worth going with children to rest in Primorsk? 5540_10

If for free, then in the library or take a walk through the magnificent area of ​​the boarding house.

On the territory of the boarding house there is access to the Internet through free Wi-Fi.

If it were not for the fabulous price of the "not budget" rest, we would recommend everyone, and so I advise you to rent housing in the private sector, and in the evening you have fun on the territory of the boarding house. How did we actually do.

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