All about rest in Netanya: reviews, tips, guidebook


Today I want to tell about one place near Netanya, which we visit every time we come to Israel to rest. By the way, there are few known to tourists about this place. But visit it. This is a spa complex in the center of the country with healing sources of Hamei Gaash, there are only two such kits in Israel, so if you rest in Netanya, then you will definitely visit there.

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We traveled to spa from the city center. There are constantly walking minibuses. Just specify from friends in Israel or from the drivers themselves, whether this minibus goes to Gahasha (I don't remember the number), we asked the driver, whether he rises by the "Gahasha", he nodded, we sat down in a minibus. Price - 10 shekels per person. The driver will stop on the track, to the kibbutz you need to go a little more, 5-10 minutes. It can be seen from the track, so do not get lost.

By the way, I recently saw on the websites of the tour suites that you can buy a ticket from Netanya. So, if you don't want to go to a minibus just find any travel agency.

Two more times we drive with friends on their car. This is certainly the most convenient option. Under the house sat in the car and came out near the kibbutz himself. The road by car takes 20 minutes.

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We bought tickets in the kibbutz itself, but before that came to the tour. Agencies, there the price was more expensive. The price is constantly changing, it all depends on the day of the week, but on average - 100 shekels.

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I really like Kibbutz, it's beautiful, Comfortono, a lot ... Read more

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