Useful information about the holiday in Oslo.


Despite the fact that the capital of Norway is one of the most expensive cities in the world, local authorities actively take all measures to make it attractive for tourists, and should pay tribute to them, they have it quite quite well. At least, the flow of tourists to one of the most ancient capitals of Scandinavia, grows every year. Yes, and confess, in the city there is something to see and take yourself.

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Due to the fact that, as already wrote above, the flow of tourists is constantly increasing, the hotels should be booked in advance (it's not difficult to do it on the Internet). Of course this does not mean that on arrival in the city, there will be a problem with where to stay, but it will be very difficult to find the option optimal location and price. Language problems when communicating with attendants in hotels and restaurants, as a rule, does not arise, provided that you have at least basic knowledge of English. If not, it will be a bit more complicated, because the Norwegian language is very complex for understanding at the visual level, but the signs and signs that are duplicated in English in the city center and in places of mass accumulation of tourists, so understand intuitively where to go or where you are not complicated. By the way, a sufficient number of Norwegians working in the field of servicing tourists, in addition to English, know French or German.

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Despite the fact that public transport is very well developed in Oslo, some tourists prefer to move on taxi, which is not entirely justified. Very expensive. The landing will cost our money in 150 rubles + about 50 rubles per kilometer. Payment service taxi drivers is exclusively in the meter, but if the amount of the passage for the passage is not smooth, it is rounded in the biggest. Similarly, with tea. They are usually included already in the amount of the account, so if you do not give them a waiter or receptionist, then it will not look indecent, however, it's still better to have coins in 5 or 10 kroons in your pocket, so that you will thank additionally, in case You really liked the service. If we decided to use public transport (which is right), then you should use special free flyers with movements and charts. The latter in Oslo is kept very clearly. You can take such leaflets either at the receptionist in a hotel or local travel agencies. Another means of movement for tourists can be a bike. Oslo is straightforward and is designed to ride on it on this type of transport. A large number of bicycle facing, very polite drivers, however, rent it will cost no cheap, about 1,200 rubles a day.

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Residents of the city, very advanced in terms of high technologies and therefore, both paid and free Wi-Fi are not only in hotels, but also city parks, as well as in almost all cafes and restaurants, so problems with Internet access and Communication with relatives and close does not occur. A similar situation with mobile communications. All Russian operators have roaming agreements with local. If roaming seems expensive pleasure, you can call home from street telephone machines, which are set. You can pay such calls, both coins and Narvesen cards, which can be used in street kiosks. The minimum cost of a minute of call is about 10-12 rubles, and on holidays and after 5 o'clock in the evening additional discounts are offered.

Especially I would like to celebrate things that help to save in Oslo and greatly make it easier for tourists. To such things, it is worth attributed by Oslo Pass. This is a card that gives the right to a free visit to more than 30 museums, allows you to move free on all types of public transport, provides discounts in some restaurants, cafes, shops and amusement parks. The validity period of this card is limited in time, and amount to 1, 2 and 3 days. Cost depends on time. For example, it costs about 1650 rubles for 24 hours. You can purchase Oslo Pass in 3 tourist centers. On the waterfront, near the city hall and in traffic.

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Many before the trip somewhere, are interested in security issues, which is right, so there are no problems in Oslo. The Norwegian capital is considered one of the safest cities in the world, even despite the large number of migrants. So for the safety of valuable things and safety does not worry. But as we all understand with you, it is still worth the prudence.

P.S. Additional information for smoking. In Norway, and in particular, Oslo, very tight sanctions for smoking in the wrong places. It is forbidden to smoke almost everywhere, in offices, hotels, cafes and restaurants, in places of cluster of a large number of people. In fact, on the street you can smoke only about urn or in places where the cigarette is drawn.

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