The most grandiose resort


The most grandiose resort of the Czech Republic is considered to be the resort of Karlovy Vary, located in a hundred and twenty kilometers from Prague, the capital of the country. I would even say it is a resort city.

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The valley is surrounded by mountains and lush, dark green forests. Which after the rainy season is abounding mushrooms and berries. The city is very picturesque and colorful due to the fact that the terraces in the form of steps is built. Plus numerous parks and colonnades with medicinal waters. Moreover, gardens and parks play not the last role in attracting tourists. It is they mainly decorate the city and are perfectly combined with a variety of buildings of the Czech Republic. After all, houses are built in different styles, which is very unusual.

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Water in sources from 41 to 73 degrees. The most famous source-Lzhidlo, which throws around 2 thousand liters of water every minute. Karlovy Vary is one of the most unique resorts in the world, take at least the number of sources, about a hundred thirty in the city! It is striking. I really helped me, they are really healing, and precisely thanks to them and this wonderful resort, my health has greatly improved. In addition to thermal sources, there are a lot of entertainment, such as golf, tennis, billiards, swimming pool, and so on, so it will not be bored for a miscarriage. I was also very memorable by the Loket Castle, located in the vicinity of Karlovy Vary. This castle belongs to the medieval era, and was considered a hunting residence of kings. The castle itself is located on the rock, next to the Ogrege raw river. It is also part of the German-Czech highway Burgenstrasse. And the exhibition of porcelain products is constantly working at the location, and it is produced at local glass factories. Especially attracted by defensive hail, which was built in the Romanesque style, and partial fence. Very picturesque and calm place.

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