In Charlerua passage


The second airport in Belgium is located in Charleroa, more precisely in his suburb of the Gossel. We did not appreciate the airport on a contented banal reason - came to the city by train. In Charleroa, the "light" subway works, the trams reminded me of trams, see themselves.

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The city is industrial, but due to the fact that the recent decades of coal mining declined (in comparison with oil coal too expensive) and many mines closed, its economic situation is not the best. In Europe, it is not the most flattering reviews. The levels of unemployment and crime are very high therefore a focused pilgrimage of tourists. But we turned out to be here and wonderfully spent two days. Unlike the spoiled Europeans, they were satisfied with the visit of the city, dear, in their attractive town. Residents of Charleroi speak predominantly in French, but with our short-English we fully coped.

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You can make it specially possible only by having a definite goal - to visit museums (suddenly you write scientific work on the history of arts?), At work or as we travel, but to schedule the city on a trip specially worth whom it is really interesting for some reasons . For example, one of our familiar came here to collect materials about the history of the mines, she writes master's work and held here for two weeks, studying information.

Charleroi is quite colorful, there is something to see and if you came here without preparation like us, I hope my little review will help you.

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